Chapter 4 Addressing Ethical Issues

The Nature of Ethics

Relates to the morality

Def: The principles, norms, and standars of conduct governing an individual or group.

Ethics in business

Methods and results must be accurately represented

The Client's identity and the information must be held in confidence

Ethics and Marketing


demands against the customer

marketing unethical behaviour

ethics and accounting


ethics and other business functions

human resources

research and developments

Why do I need to learn about ethics

  1. Be aware of a range of ethical issues that impact a wide variety of research participants
  1. Transfer business etichs to workplace

Ethical Responsabilities to Stakeholders

Protection of the participants

to ensure the walfare of all the participants

Individual participants

How are the participants going to be selected?

safety of the researcher

recruitment and informed consent

Competent: The participant have the intellectual capacity

Autonomous: self-directed choices

involved voluntarily

Aware of their rights

Not deceived

Not coerced

Not Induced



Advice to participants

Responsability to other researchers and the wider community



With your Project Supervisor

With you University

With the Employer

With the Organization participants

Profesional Standars

Personal Conduct



Conflict of interest


Debriefing: Participants to following their role in the research


Ethics across cultures

Ethical Approval for Research

Involving Human Subjects

Protect the rights of the participants and the researcher

Ethical Codes


Negotiating Access

Use all availables contacts

Provide a clear overview of your research

Build relationships