Describe the values model of work/family conflict, and specify at least three practical lessons from work/family conflict research. General life values determine one’s values about family and work. Work/family conflict can occur when there is a lack of value similarity with family members. Likewise, work/family conflict can occur when one’s own work values are not congruent with the company’s values. When someone does not attain his or her values because of work/family conflicts, job or life satisfaction, or both, can suffer. Six practical lessons from work/family conflict research are (1) work/family balance begins at home, (2) an employer’s family-supportive philosophy is more important than specific programs, (3) informal flexibility in work hours and in allowing people to work at home is essential to promoting work/family balance, (4) mentors can help, (5) individuals should take a proactive approach to managing work/family conflict, and (6) self-employment has its rewards, but it is associated with higher work/family conflict and lower family satisfaction.