Customer App 👤

Sign-Up (New User)

Login(existing user)

Facebook, Google, Normal Login

Customer Uploads Driver License For Verification Process

Agrees Our Terms & Conditions

Selects a Location or GPS

Now selects a product from the available list

Available Vendor's of the selected product


Place An Order

Order Status

Waiting for vendors Approval

If Vendor decline the order


Vendor Accept the order

Near by delivery boy is assigned is pinged who has no current orders.

Delivery boy decline the order then we ping other near by delivery boys.

if the delivery boy accept the order

Order Status Changes to delivery boy is on the way to pick your order with delivery boy details.

Deliver boy picks the order from vendor now.

Status changes to order picked up and delivery boy in route.

Delivery Boy verifies the licence of the customer from our database, scans, takes the customer e-sign and delivers the order.

Status Changes to order Delivered & customer receives the notification sms


we ping other near by vendor till the order get accepts.

Order is created in the ADMIN PANEL

If no one accepts the order will gets canceled