Policy Direction 4: Leadership
Outcomes Exp: Education leaders at all levels champion effective and innovative uses of technology for all schools. As a result teachers, administrators and other education professionals use technology innovatively, effectively and efficiently
Actions Exp: School Authorities -> Seek out and participate in partnership opportunities (e.g., cross-jurisdiction, cross-institution, community, industry) that support innovative use of technology
Actions Exp: The Ministry of Education -> Provides opportunities for consultation, dissemination or information, and collaboration on educational and information technologies
Policy Direction 5: Access, Infrastructure and Digital Learning EnvironmentsOutcomes Exp: Students, teachers, administrators and other education professionals have support for equitable access to facilities designed to maximize learning with technologyActions Exp: School Authorities -> Ensure the administration of safe and secure networks, infrastructure and technologies Actions Exp: The Ministry of Education -> Supports access to safe and secure high-speed network for school authorities #