The existence of implicit bias is beyond reasonable doubt

Cognitive accessibility as a method of demonstrating implicit bias

subliminal exposure

voluntarily reported their personal racial attitudes

Semantic priming as a method of demonstrating implicit bias

linked through speed and efficiency to semantically related concepts

serial semantic priming techniques

eye-blink startle responses

Stroop tasks


Evaluative priming as a method of demonstrating (and measuring) implicit bias

systematic differences in reaction times as a function of race and valence as an unobtrusive measure of intergroup attitudes

presence of implicit racial bias in favor of whites relative to blacks

Modern Racism Scale

implicit attitudes, as indexed by a carefully constructed measure, can predict the quality of cross-racial interactions

Individual differences in the motivation to control prejudice

moderator of the relationship between implicit and explicit biases

motivation to control prejudice

participants who were higher in motivation to control prejudice scored lower on an explicit measure of prejudice

the motivation to control prejudice did not predict implicit bias, but it did moderate the relation between implicit and explicit forms of bias

implicit bias was more strongly correlated with explicit bias when the motivation to control prejudice was low than when it was high

Enter the Implicit Association Test

IAT gauges differences in how easy or difficult it is for people to associate individual exemplars of various social categories with abstract words and categories that have evaluative implications

IAT scores were correlated with the magnitude of amygdala activation

self-reported racial attitudes failed to predict amygdala activation under the same circumstances strengthens the already burgeoning case for the discriminant validity of implicit attitudes