People are responsible for standing up against the government if the government is making bad decisions or doing bad things.

Martin Luther King Jr. doing all that he could to stand up for African American Civil rights, he knew that the governments decisions towards black discrimination were wrong, so he did his best to stand up for his rights and made a big difference. He has a government holiday dedicated to him and and a national monument honoring all that he did.

Claudette Colvin, Claudette was the first African American to refuse to give up her seat on a bus in segregated Montgomery, Alabama, this was nine months before Rosa Parks (very famous) refusal. Claudette was arrested and her case led to The U.S Supreme courts order to desegregate the Alabama's bus system.

The Boys Who Challenged Hitler, boys who rebelled against the Germans and destroying German property to try to make a difference in world war 2.

You can leave a legacy through music.

A person should be responsible for redeeming themselves.

People are responsible to stand up for civil rights and allow for everyone to have the same freedoms.

Mentors are responsible for helping others redeem themselves.

Governments are responsible for ensuring peace.

Humans are responsible for protecting and conserving our environment.

A person can leave a legacy through social responsibility.

The Allies or the countries that fought against the Nazis where responsible for defeating Nazi Germany in World War 2 (WWII) (US, Britain, France, USSR, Australia, Belgium, Brazil, Canada, China, Denmark, Greece, Netherlands, New Zealand, Norway, Poland, South Africa, Yugoslavia).

D-Day (the day that the allies started to invade mainland Europe and a liberate it from Nazi Germany. )

Nickel Bay Nick, Sam often shoplifted, vandalized but when Sam comes and ruins Mr.Wells back yard Mr.Wells (Nickel Bay Nick) decided to hire him because Mr.Wells broke his leg and he couldn't be Nickel Bay Nick, by working for Mr.Wells Sam redeemed himself.

The Seventh Most Important Thing. Arthur, a normal boy living a normal life goes through lots of grief after his father dies. When he sees the junk man wearing one of his father's hats, he is overwhelmed and throws a brick at the man without thinking. He gets sent to juvenile for this, and he has to redeem himself. He eventually does indeed redeem himself through his probation sentence, as he helps the junk man with what he is building. This shows how a person is responsible for redeeming themselves.

Ghost, Castle (Ghost) is responsible for redeeming himself from all of the mistakes he made like stealing a pair of track shoes, getting into a fight with Brandon and gets sent home early from school. Castle's coach helped Castle redeem him self by giving back the shoes for stealing them.

The National Wildlife Federation, the United States' largest private, nonprofit conservation education and advocacy organization, helping to preserve the little wildlife that remains.

The Nature Conservatory, a charitable enviormental organization, it's mission is to "conserve the lands and waters on which all life depends."

The National Pollution Prevention Roundtable, the largest membership organization in the United States devoted solely to Pollution Prevention.

Mike is another character from echo left a legacy through music. He spent a long time at an orphanage, but while he was there, he was always wanting to play piano. He left a legacy through music as he worked his way to being a pianist in a huge orchestra, the same one as Ivy and Friedrich.

Friedrich, from the book echo, is a boy who grew up in Germany during the war, he has a deformity with the skin color on his face, but he doesn't let that discourage hi on his dream of being a conductor. He suffers from many things in world war 2, his family being arrested, and many other things. But he still doesn't let this stop him from achieving his dreams. He eventually goes on to become a famous conductor of one of the biggest orchestras. And through this, he leaves a legacy through music.

People are responsible for making sure that our fellow creatures are treated fairly and not in danger.

ASPCA, fundraising money to rescue abused or hurt pets and bring them to a new caring family.

The Humane Society of the United States, providing animal care, and confronting animal cruelty. "The nations largest and most effective animal protection organization"

The WWF, fundraising money to help raise the population of endangered species around the world.

Rosa parks, standing up against black discrimination by sitting down. She refused to give up her seat on a bus, even though black people were supposed to give up their seats on a bus.

Freedom Walkers, was about standing up for civil rights and it featured people like Rosa Parks and Martin Luther.

The Boys Who Challenged Hitler, boys who rebelled against the Germans and destroying German property to try to make a difference in world war 2.

Thomas Edison left a legacy trough social responsibility by inventing many inventions like the phonograph or the light bulb. These invention where very important because they helped modernize the way we live today.

The Boys Who Fought The Nazis, the boys in this article the boys rebelled against Hitler and his Nazis when they realized that the Nazis intentions where bad and that they should do something about it so they passed out leaflets. By doing this they left a legacy through social responsibility.

A person is responsible for leaving their legacy.

Oscar Schindler, for doing his best to secretly rebel against the Nazi's by saving Jews from concentration camps and keeping them alive until the war was over.

Marie Curie left a legacy by discovering an element. She was just a girl who grew up with her family, working hard so that they could have food to eat. But she had high goals in life, and she did all she could to complete these goals, and by doing so, she left a legacy. There were many things in life that were obstacles, such as poverty against women, but she didn't let that stop her. She eventually went on to accomplish those goals and accomplished something that she will be recognized for for a long time. Discovering radium, one of the elements that make up all mater. Through this she left a legacy.

Anne Frank, for recording her life in her diary as she and her family and some friends hid from the Nazi's in the annex of a work building, and when they were found and taken away the gestapo, her diary remained, she left a legacy.

Ivy, from echo is another character from the book echo who left a legacy through music. She grew up with her family moving all the time, as her father was always looking for a good job opportunity. She eventually became really good at playing flute and was able to join the same orchestra as Friedrich, except she was playing flute. She left a legacy through music by doing this.

Mr.Wells in Nickel Bay Nick helped Sam redeem himself by making Sam become Nickel Bay Nick and owen's a potato by doing this he redeemed himself from all of the bad things he did.

In the seventh most important thing, James Hampton was the mentor for Arthur Owens. He was the both the path for Arthur Owens to redeem himself, and the person who was helping him along that path. James Hampton also made Arthur a better person and was able to change him for the better, and help redeem him.

Coach in Ghost helped Castle redeem himself. Like when he stole the ¨Silver Bullets" Coach made him confess that he stole them and apologized to the store worker.

The U.N, a big organization with a purpose to maintain international peace and security, to solve economic, social, cultural, and humanitarian problems, to promote respect for human rights, nd to promote respect for human rights.

Salva Dut, creating water for Sudan, an organization made to fund raise money to drill wells in Sudan and provide fresh water for the residents. He grew up in Sudan and was lost in the war that raged between tribes, and eventually found himself in a camp for homeless people in their area. After switching around camps, he was one of few selected to go to America. Once he was in America, he worked hard to found water for South Sudan, a company that raises money to drill wells in Sudan to provide water for the residents there. Therefore, he left a legacy through social responsibility.