Stuart Yeh

Joseph Sanacore

Joe Morrisroe ⭐

Jane Oakhill and Kate Cain ⭐

Teachers can give the "impression that reading is serious and difficult"

"showing an inquiring mind, a love of reading..... teachers shape their students learning experiences"

"this support is especially needed today because many students are reared in homes where such support is either limited or sporadic"

"Whether our students come from low literacy ... homes, they profit from observing teacher demonstrations of positive reading" behaviours

Reading Interventions

Importance of interventions to help pupils with reading

Informed my practice

Useful as a means of identifying the skills which need to be taught

By using an intervention, I would then support pupils reading comprehension development through strategies which the intervention would flag up as needing support.

Such as, “teaching specific vocabulary words, sentence-level understanding, comprehension monitoring”

His research showed that pupils who had lower reading skills could be up to 2 years behind in overall educational attainment

This is something I witness in my own practice

Yeh suggests a possible 53.7% reduction in future earnings due to this far-reaching gap in learning

Believes that if we invest more money in school interventions that the benefits will far outweigh the costs.

Scottish Attainment Challenge? #

Impact of social background?

“those with functional literacy skills earn on average 16% more than those with lower literacy skills”

The higher an individual’s literacy levels were the more their earnings would grow

He linked low literacy with lower employment rates and poverty

Poor literacy - A driver of inequality in the UK

Suggested that - those with low literacy had a higher chance of living in disadvantaged areas, suffering poor health literacy, more likely to commit a crime and more likely to be on benefits #

Why? low literacy (including reading) exacerbates the factors that he argues increase the probability of living in an area of disadvantage, likelihood of committing crime, being on benefits and low health literacy