Reviewing the statistics on higher education facilities and enrollment for 2006 was mind boggling. I did not have an estimation of how many students attended or the slightest inclination for how many colleges there was in this country. It was interesting to see how the numbers lined up. Also, the discussion of cost was also an issue, I think that more programs have been put into place to help middle and low income families, but iI think these types of programs are geared mostly toward community colleges and technical or trade schools. Without the TN Hope scholarship, Federal Assistant and local scholarships as well as TTU scholarships, I would not have been able to attend a higher institution. Even now, my Graduate Assistantship is paying for my tuition for my Master's. I think it is very disheartening when a small child tells you they will never go to college. Whether that may from academic restraints, financial hardships, or family struggles, I think every child should have the option of going to college if they wish. :silhouette: