My lack of wanting to pursue reading and writing in the beginning, I believe, came from my parents. My brother was a educational God. He was speaking gibberish since the first day I met him. My parents could never grade his work nor understand him n conversations. That caused my dad to become more educated. I love my father to death but no one can be smarter than him, in his eyes. I'm not sure what path my parents hoped I would go down but they had their brainiac. At a young age, the beginning stages of walking, they put me in gymnastics where I went up level by level faster than you can say "hot damn". I became a home schooled kid who spent all her time in the gym working (and that was in forth grade- prior to that I spent 3/4 of my time in the gym). The trainers told my parents my lack of fear, drive for thrill, and my physically abilities were makings of gold and that I should be taken out of school and put in the gym. After being taken out of school and having no time with friends (which I used during school hours), I realized I did not want that. I stopped doing work all together and acted out until they put me back in school. Once there I started playing every sport I could get my hands on. Playing three and four sports at a time. Even when you reached the age where you had to pick one sport each season, I would play on multiple teams and spend my weekends playing 5 or 6 games a day. From an earlier age, I would leave school and go straight from one practice to another. Leaving no time for homework. School work was easy for me until I hit Junior high/high school and that's when I chose to have others do my work for me. Playing sports, the way I did, put me down a path opposite of academic achievements. All I wanted was sports so it's not all my parents fault but as guardians, looking back, I feel a stricter hand could have been played more on academics and not a continuous feeding of sports this, sports that, do this and you will get a scholarship, do that and you will make it big. I thought sports, the high, the thrill was all there was to life and when it ended, I dropped off the planet and went numb, for a very long time.