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Endocrine Pancreas: Islets of Langerhans (general (communication (humoral…
Endocrine Pancreas:
Islets of Langerhans
Islets of Langerhans
secretes hormones into blood
parasympathetic (+ secretion; sympathetic (-) secretion
beta cells more abundant in center of islet
alpha & delta cells more abundant at periphery
blood supply courses outward from center
gap jxns
both sympathetic & parasympathetic
islet cell tumors
may secrete gastrin, VIP, GHRF, or other hormones
although peptides can be made in islet tissue, no known normal fxn in islet
alpha cells
ingestion of protein
inhibited by glucose
principal target tissue:
(+) gluconeogenesis
(+) ketogenesis
partially oxidize FAs >> ketones
fully oxidize FAs >> CO2
w/in mitochondria
vital to CNS: uses ketoacids for fuel during fasting
(+) glycogenolysis
cardiac & sk. muscle: (+) glycogenolysis
adipose tissue: (+) lipolysis
(+) protein breakdown
in several tissues
more prominent when tissues exposed to pharmacological [glucagon]
proglucagon cleaved by...
alpha cells: >> GRPP, glucagon & C-terminal fragment
neuroendocrine (L) cells in intestine: >> glicentin, GLP-1 (potent incretin), IP-2 & GLP-2
preproglucagon >> cleaved as it enters RER >> proglucagon
actions antagonize those of insulin
modulated by neural & humoral factors
potent insulin secretagogue;
however bc downstream of beta cells, little paracrine effect on insulin secretion
beta cells
glycemic control via slow gastric emptying & (+) satiety
not found in urine
100:1 of insulin:amylin
maintains plasma [glucose] w/in narrow limits
<2-3 mM
prolonged sx: confusion, unusual behavior, hallucinations, seizures, hypothermia, focal neurologic deficits, coma
early sx: palpitations, tachycardia, diaphoresis, anxiety, hyperventilation, shakiness, weakness, hunger, nausea
'>30-40 mM
osmotic diuresis >> severe dehydration, hypotension, vascular collapse
early sx: weakness, polyuria, polydipsia, altered vision, weight loss, mild dehydration
prolonged sx: Kussmaul hyperventilation, stupor, coma, hypotension, cardiac arrhythmias (w/ metabolic acidosis or diabetic ketoacidosis)
fasting: dec. insulin >> lipids & a.a mobilized from adipose & protein stores >> fuel for oxidation & precursors for hepatic ketogenesis & gluconeogenesis
feeding: inc. insulin >> deminish mobilization of endogenous fuel stores & stimulates carb, lipid & a.a. uptake by specific, insulin-sensitive target tissues
plasma [glucose]
glucose enters beta cell thru GLUT2 via facilitated diffusion
undergoes glycolysis d/t glucokinase (ADP >> ATP)
K-ATP channels close d/t inc. [ATP], inc. [ATP]/[ADP], or inc. [NADH]/[NAD]
reduced K conductance >> depolarization
(+) voltage-gated Ca-channels
inc. Ca permeability >> inc. Ca influx >> inc. intra-[Ca] >> (+) CICR
insulin release (perhaps via (+) Ca-calmodulin phosphorylation cascade)
galactose, mannose
small keto acids
ketohexoses (fructose)
(via K efflux)
some a.a.
(arginine & leucine)
preproinsulin >> cleaved as it enters RER >> proinsulin
trans-golgi packages proinsulin & creates secretory granules (also contain
C peptide)
proteases cleave proinsulin at 2 spots >> A & B chains joined by 2 disulfide linkages
insulin assoc. w/ zinc
C peptide
no est. biological action
secreted 1:1 ratio w/ insulin
useful marker for insulin secretion via 24-hr urine collection
not extracted by liver
also used to assess insulin secretory capability
~60% insulin secreted into portal blood is removed in 1st pass thru liver
modulated by neural & humoral factors
beta-adrenergic (+)
alpha-adrenergic (-)
sympathetics >> NE via celiac nn. (-)
parasympathetics >> ACh via vagus n. (+)
also via AC-cAMP-protein kinase A pathways & phospholipase C-phosphoinositide pathway
receptors expression determined by balance of:
receptor synthesis
endocytosis >> recylcing
endocytosis >> degradation
result: target tissue modulates response to hormones via
>> dec. sensitivity to insulin w/o diminishing insulin's max effect
Diabetes Type 2 (DM2)
adipocytes have fewer insulin receptors per unit of surface area
higher [insulin] requires
larger fraction of receptors occupied
major effects d/t impairment of downstream signaling
dec. activity of insulin receptor tyrosine kinase
PI3K activity
GLUT4 recruitment
leads to
insulin resistance
principal targets:
also major site of insulin degradation
4 major effects:
(+) glycogen synthesis &
(-) glycogenolysis
hepatocytes store G-6-P as glycogen
at high [insulin] >> (-) gluconeogenesis
glucose enters hepatocyte thru GLUT2 via facilitated diffusion
(-) G6Pase
G6P >> glucose
(-) glycogen phosphorylase
inhibited by same enzyme that activates synthase
rate-limiting for breakdown of glycogen
(+) glycogen synthase
net dephosphor. of enzyme >> inc. activity
multiple serine phosphorylation sites
(+) glucokinase
glucose >> G6P
(+) glycolysis &
(-) gluconeogenesis
(+) transcription of
(+) synthesis of F-2,6-BP (potent allosteric activator of
(+) pyruvate dehydrogenase
(+) pyruvate kinase
(+) hexose monophosphate shunt
(-) transcription of
(-) FBPase
(+) lipogenesis &
(-) fat oxidation
(+) acetyl CoA carboxylase (ACC2)
(first committed step in FA synthesis) >>
inc. synthesis of malonyl CoA >> allosterically (-) CAT I >> (-) FA transport into mito
(+) fatty acid synthase
(+) esterification of FAs w/ glycerol >> triglycerides
(+) synthesis of apoproteins packaged w/ VLDL
inc. [malonyl CoA] >> (-) CAT I >> indirectly (-) fat oxidation
(+) protein synthesis & (-) protein breakdown
principal site of insulin-mediated glucose disposal
4 major effects:
(+) glucose transport thru
insulin-sensitive >> inc. activity
exclusively in striated m. & adipose tissue
recruitment of preformed transporters from membranous compartment
(+) glycogen synthesis
(+) glycogen synthase
(+) hexokinase
(+) glycolysis
(+) pyruvate dehydrogenase
(+) phosphofructokinase
(+) protein synthesis & (-) protein breakdown
parallel effects on sk. muscle
synergistic effects >> marked inc. insulin sensitivity >> DM treatment
adipose tissue
4 major effects:
(+) GLUT4
activity & recruitment
(+) glycolysis
glucose >> alpha-glycerol phosphate >> triglycerides
glucose >> acetyl-CoA >> malonyl CoA >> FAs
(+) pyruvate dehydrogenase
(+) ACC2
(+) lipogenesis &
(-) fat oxidation
most FAs enter via chylomicrons & VLDLs in blood >> sequestered in lipid droplets
(-) hormone-sensitive triglyceride lipase (HSL)
simple mass action: inc. alpha-glycerol phosphate >> (+) esterification w/ FAs
(+) synthesis of lipoprotein lipase (LPL)
exported to endothelial cell >> anchored to plasma membrane facing lumen
acts on triglycerides in chylomicrons & VLDLs >> cleaves to glycerol & FAs
uptake by nearby adipocytes >> esterify w/ glycerol phosphate >> triglycerides
pp cells (F cells)
pancreatic polypeptide
secretion altered by dietary intake
delta cells
(-) gastric & parietal secretions >> (-) gastrin, secretin, & histamine
also made in D cells of GI tract, hypothalamus & other sites in CNS
(-) secretion of multiple hormones
growth hormone
insulin (however bc downstream of beta cells, paracrine effect unclear)
long-acting somatostatin analogue
tx for difficult to treat endocrine tumors
acromegaly (GH)
carcinoid (serotonin)