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Technology Standards in Education (ISTE Standards for Teachers 2008 (1.…
Technology Standards in Education
ISTE Standards for Teachers 2008
1. Facilitate and Inspire Student
Learning and Creativity
Using face-to-face interactions as well as multi-modal interactions in order to expand student learning, innovation, and creativity.
2. Design and Develop Digital Age Learning
Experiences and Assessments
Teachers are capable of using modern and relevant tools creatively in order to facilitate learning and maximize outcomes expected from the ISTE Standards for Students
3. Model Digital Age Work and Learning
Teachers are able to showcase knowledge and skills within the technological world. Capable of using technology adequately in the classroom as well as with those around them: students, parents, and peers.
4. Promote and Model Digital
Citizenship and Responsibility
Understand and respect current social issues and responsibilities surrounding the digital world. Demonstrate, as well as teach ethical and legal digital activity within your classroom and school.
5. Engage in Professional Growth and Leadership
Take part in life long learning and give yourself the opportunities to continuously develop your professional practice . Be a leader; take up opportunities to promote and demonstrate new technological skills, resources, and tools within your professional community.
ITSE Standards for Students 2016
3. Knowledge Constructor
Use of technology in order to expand on every day issues and learning opportunities provided by every day life.Capable of researching topics and evaluating sources critically.
5. Computational Thinker
Capable of using technology as a tool in order to further understanding of specific topics and as a form of problem solving . The ability to critically analyze and test solutions.
2. Digital Citizen
Students maintain a respectful digital identity. They act in responsible, legal, and ethical ways in the digital world and recognize being part of the digital world as an opportunity.
Digital citizenship is connected to promote and model digital citizenship and responsibility
as it connects the expectations for both teachers and students. Some students that we bring into the digital world may not have that much experience there so it is the teacher responsibility to ensure that they demonstrate ethical and legal digital activity. Even students who are familiar with the digital world may not be exposed to the appropriate ways to engage with it . Unless this is demonstrated by teachers it would be unfair to expect it from students.
1. Empowered Learner
Students are an active part of the learning process. They determine their learning goals and strategies in order to complete necessary tasks. Students may personalize their learning environment, relative to their capabilities, in order to allow technology to assist them in appropriate ways.
4. Global Collaborator
Students are capable of working and collaborating with others. Use technology as a tool in order to connect with other both locally and globally. This will allow them to enrich their learning with the exposure to new and different perspectives.
Learning and Technology Policy Framework
3. Professional Learning
Educational professionals continue to expand their abilities and knowledge with technology in order to support learning and teaching with technology in new and innovative ways.
Professional learning is connected to engage in professional growth and leadership
because they both promote that educational professionals must continue to develop professionally even once they are practicing their work. Engaging in professional growth and leadership then expands on this and says that it is not only an opportunity to develop yourself but your professional community as we should share and lead others through what we know.
Professional learning is connected to model digital age work and learning
because without professional learning you would not be as capable of using adequate technology in your classroom. Technology is always changing and growing so if you do not develop as a professional alongside the technology then your students will not be learning how to use current and useful tools. Not only this but if you yourself just barely understand the tools how can you expect to showcase them?
1. Student-Centered Learning
Technology is used to support the students and their learning. Technology will assist in providing personal and dependable learning.
Student-centered learning is connected to empowered learner
because student-centered learning creates and promotes empowered learners. providing the technology for a student to customize their learning gives them freedom and empowerment which leads to them becoming an empowered learner.
Student-centered learning is connected to facilitate and inspire student learning and creativity
because it recognizes that we cannot just give the tools and expect that students and teachers will know how to appropriately crate the right environments. This makes that link. It gives the standards and expectations to the teachers that they know have the tools and capabilities to create a student centered environment.
2. Research and Innovation
Educational professionals continuously strive to move forward with technology in education. Done through participation, sharing, and applying evidence-based research.
5. Access, Infrastructure, and
Digital Learning Environments
All those involved in the education system from administration to students have access to infrastructure and tools necessary to support learning using technology.
Access, infrastructure, and digital learning environment is connected to design and develop digital age learning experiences and assessments
because in order for teachers to expose children to relevant and modern tools they must first have the appropriate access to devices and infrastructure to do so. For example, if a teacher did not have consistent access to laptops of some sort it would be inappropriate of that teacher to expect to run the class through google classroom.
4. Leadership
Educational professionals willing to break ground and work towards new innovative ways to promote student-centered learning at all levels.
Leadership is connected to engage in professional growth and leadership
because they both emphasize the importance of breaking new ground and being a leader. This can mean adopting a new program but it can also mean that you as a leader are always looking for new innovative tools to bring into your classroom. That form of leadership explicitly links as a form of engaging in personal growth
ICT Program of Studies
5. Specific Outcomes
Looks at specifics within general outcomes such as, skills, knowledge and attitudes. Allows teachers to appropriately and consistently evaluate students.
4. General Outcomes
Identifies if students grasp what they are expected to know. Allows teachers to assess if student are on the right track in their learning. Also provides implicit guidelines on what educators should be focusing on in their teaching.
3. Processes for productivity
Obtain the knowledge and skills that allow you to use technology in productive ways. may include: communication methods, methods of creating and showcasing documents, the abilities to revise work.
2. Foundational operations, knowledge and concepts
Deep understanding of the technological world. Understand the basic skills required to operate a variety of technologies. While doing this will maintain moral and ethical, become or remain discerning (especially with the use of mass media). Acquire knowledge of how technology applies to self, work, and society.
Foundational operations, knowledge, and concepts is connected to digital citizen
as they each share the idea that students must use technology in an ethical and moral way. They must be a respectable and responsible citizen in the digital world.
Foundational operations, knowledge, and concepts is connected to promote and model digital citizenship and responsibility
because it links the students and the teachers. It shows us that the students are not just expected to know this but that the teachers will demonstrate these behaviors to them and hold them accountable to these standards.
1. Communicating, inquiring,
decision making and problem solving
Have the ability to use technology to possess a number of skills including, critical analysis, inquiry management, problem solving, research, and communicate with diverse audiences.
Obtain the ability to apply these skills in real-life situations.
Communicating, inquiring, decision making and problem solving is connected to knowledge constructor
because having critical analysis skills, inquiry management skills and other skills within the problem solving category allows you to be a knowledge constructor. It allows you to be capable of expanding on the issues you may come across and evaluate them in an appropriate way.
Communicating, inquiring, decision making and problem solving is connected to global collaborator
because the skills gained by being capable to communicate with diverse audiences would strongly assist a global collaborator in working with others and being exposed to many different perspectives.
Communicating, inquiring, decision making and problem solving is connected to computational thinker
because they both withhold the values of being able to not only understand specific topics but to analyse critically.