Technology Standards in Education

ISTE Standards for Students (2016)

ISTE Standards for Teachers (2008)

Learning and Technology Policy Framework

ICT Program of Studies

  1. Facilitate and Inspire Students Learning and Creativity

Policy Direction 1: Student-Centered Learning
Technology allows for multiple learning needs and varied interests to be incorporated in authentic learning experiences. It creates opportunities for student engagement. # # [#] # #

Policy Direction 2: Research and Innovation
Our world is constantly changing and it is important to stay up-to-date. We must research new innovations to further implement authentic student-centered learning opportunities.

Policy Direction 3: Professional Learning
Professional development is a crucial part of teaching. Beyond just seeking ways to improve, we must also implement them to further support authentic student-centered learning.

Policy Direction 4: Leadership
Efficient use of innovative technology to support student-centered learning.

Policy Direction 5: Access, Infrastructure, and Digital Learning Environment
Access for all to appropriate and reliable technological tools.

  1. Design and Develop Digital Age Learning Experiences and Assessments
  1. Model Digital Age Work and Learning
  1. Promote and Model Digital Citizenship and Responsibility
  1. Engage in Professional Growth and Development
  1. Empowered Learner
  1. Digital Citizen
  1. Knowledge Conductor
  1. Innovative Designer
  1. Computational Thinker
  1. Creative Communicator
  1. Global Collaborator

Digital Citizenship


Summarizing and Synthesizing

Student Centered

Analyzing and Evaluation
