Technology Standards in Education
ISTE Standards for Students (2016)
ISTE Standards for Teachers (2008)
Learning and Technology Policy Framework
ICT Program of Studies
- Facilitate and Inspire Students Learning and Creativity
Policy Direction 2: Research and Innovation
Our world is constantly changing and it is important to stay up-to-date. We must research new innovations to further implement authentic student-centered learning opportunities.
Policy Direction 3: Professional Learning
Professional development is a crucial part of teaching. Beyond just seeking ways to improve, we must also implement them to further support authentic student-centered learning.
Policy Direction 4: Leadership
Efficient use of innovative technology to support student-centered learning.
Policy Direction 5: Access, Infrastructure, and Digital Learning Environment
Access for all to appropriate and reliable technological tools.
- Design and Develop Digital Age Learning Experiences and Assessments
- Model Digital Age Work and Learning
- Promote and Model Digital Citizenship and Responsibility
- Engage in Professional Growth and Development
- Empowered Learner
- Digital Citizen
- Knowledge Conductor
- Innovative Designer
- Computational Thinker
- Creative Communicator
- Global Collaborator
Digital Citizenship
Summarizing and Synthesizing
Student Centered
Analyzing and Evaluation