•Hudson Bay Lowland: Shaped by glaciers, lots of sedimentary rocks
•Western cordillera: End of the Mesozoic era, plates collided, sedimentary rock, shaped by forces of erosions
• Interior Plains: Cenozoic era, rich in soil and natural oil/gas
• Canadian Shield: oldest region, igneous rock, many lakes and forest, largest landform region
• Appalachians: oldest mountain region in Canada, paleozoic era, created by forces in erosion
• Great lakes st. lawrence Lowlands: cenozoic era, formed by glaciers, depositing erosion from the shield
Arctic: winter last 10 months, small annual precipitation, small plants and mosses survive
West coast: mountains cause much precipitation
Mountain: west side has rich vegetation due to large rainfall, while east side is dry, covered with shrubs, and grasses
Boreal: cold lasts for 6 months, cool summers, short growing seasons, precipitation through convection
Prairie: large temperature range, little precipitation in summer, little droughts
Southeastern: climate suitable for most crops