Cons of being ESTP: I am flat out insensitive caring about others is difficult for me, I would rather do something for my own benefit I think so ahead of my own problems and tend to forget how my actions effect others, I am impatient when it comes to waiting I get bored and annoyed I can't stand it, I am risk-prone since I live life to the fullest i tend to forget the risk I do when it comes to being/getting in trouble I tend to do whatever, I am unstructured meaning I might ignore the rules in order to fix a problem that needs fixing making it hard for others to follow rules, I may miss the bigger picture at times i might make a mistake and not realize it and later it comes back to haunt me , and lastly I am defiant which is where telling me what I did wrong with some thing lane then most likely I will space out and forget that I'm being scolded i tend to laugh and not like the way you say it.