Research Methods

Descriptive Correlational Methods

Experimental Methods

Field Experiment

Laboratory Experiment



Case Studies

Natural Observation

Psychological Tests

Weaknesses: Rare behaviors, Researcher Interference, Time consuming, Observer bias

Strengths: Spontaneous behaviors. People don't have to report their own experiences

Observing behavior from a distance without being noticed

Weaknesses: Observer bias. Hard to separate findings from a case. Difficult/impossible to recreate certain events

Strengths: Study of rare behaviors, hypothesis are very common

Examination of a person or group

Weaknesses: Certain events might not be recorded

Strengths: Easy access to all previously collected data and records

Reviewing data/records for cases

Weaknesses: Answers will not always be truthful

Strengths: Study of difficult to observe behaviors, thoughts. and feelings. Allows for a lot of people to be studied at once.

Researcher asking people direct questions

Weaknesses: Tests might not gather or test what really needed to be tested.

Testing the abilities, cognitions, motivations, or behaviors of a person

Weaknesses: Testing in lab would not be the same as if testing in natural environment Being observed can cause incorrect responses.

Researcher will manipulate variables and make observations

Weaknesses: Unnatural events/causes could happen, Less control on factors than if done in lab

Experiment on subjects in their natural environment

Strengths: More natural responses, cause-effect conclusions

Strengths: Control of variables, cause-effect conclusions

Strengths: Testing of characteristics that are difficult to obtain/observe

Phineas Gage Accident: Dr. Edward Williams and Gage's co-workers experienced that for a short period after accident Gage was walking and talking about the event.

Phineas Gage Accident: Dr. John Harlow reported of extreme behavior changes in Gage during and after the recovery process.

Phineas Gage Accident: Malcolm Macmillon stated that according to records that the effects on Gage had be extremely exaggerated and that he was more functional than what had been reported

Phineas Gage Accident: Case study in 2012 done by Jack Van Horn had data from the past and images of healthy peoples brains where gathered in order to figure out what parts of Gage's brain was damaged