Experiential Learning-Informational Processing
"I hear, I know. I see, I remember. I do, I understand."
(Confucius, 551-479 B.C.)
Theories 👥
Social Studies 😃
Arts 😃
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Curricular Links ✅
express ideas and develop understanding
consider the ideas of others
experiment with language and forms
ask questions and contribute related ideas
discover and explore
use prior knowledge
participate in projects that improve or meet the particular needs
create and use a simple map to locate communities studied in the world
analyze how the community is being studied
apply new ideas and strategies to contribute to decision making and problem solving
demonstrate cooperative behaviour
make connections between cause-and-effect relationships from information gathered from varied sources
evaluate ideas and information from different points of view
development of imagery based on observations of the visual world
increase range of actions and viewpoints depicted
express feelings and individual messages
represent surface qualities of objects and forms
add finishing touches
connect own ideas and experiences with those of others
apply phonic rules and generalizations
Dewey 👤
Freire 👤
Montessori 👤Scientific observation has established that education is not what the teacher gives; education is a natural process spontaneously carried out by the human individual, and is acquired not by listening to words but by experiences upon the environment" *Montessori, M.(n.d)
record of document activities, people and discoveries
illustrate or tell a story
Painted Snowglobe with Nature ✏
Theory of Experience
Two central ideas - continuity and interaction
Students paint a snowman in a snowglobe using materials from outside (e.g. pine branches) to create a development of realistic imagery for snowflakes, landscape and a snowman.
Humans are sensitive and/or affected by experience
Humans survive by learning from experience after they are born than do animals who rely on pre-wired instinct
Education is for providing people with skills to live in society
All experiences are influential whether good or bad
Past experiences interact with present situations to create present experiences
Any situation can be experienced in different ways because of unique individual differences
Educators can't control students' past experiences, but they can try to understand past experiences to create better and meaningful learning experiences for a student
Four Planes of Development
Childhood: 6-12
Elaboration of Mind and Personality, Moral and Social Mental Development
Adolescence: 12-18 Development of Social Policy, Reflective/Interpretive mind, Sense of Justice and Dignity
Infancy: 0-6
Development of Absorbent Mind and Individual Personality/Intense Concentration, Language Order, Self-Construction
Maturity: 18 - 24 Evaluation of Social Policy
Teaching Model:
Emphasis on intrinsic motivation and student choice
Intentional learning environments designed to facilitate self-directed learning
Multi-aged classrooms are provided to foster trusting relationships within a peer cohort
Working with children of differing ages encouraging leadership skills and collaboration
Beautifully prepared Montessori materials extend learning
Example 2
Students are asked to draw a tree in their sketchbooks. After the initial sketch, they are taken outside and invited to observe and describe any tree of their choice. They are then invited to draw the tree from any angle they choose.
Back in the classroom, the students are asked to reflect on both trees and state any observations they have about both pictures.
"No one is born fully formed: it is through self-experience in the world that we become what we are" Paulo Freire (n.d)
Students are taught a lesson on emotion. They are given the task of using construction paper , popsicle sticks and playdoughs to construct different kinds of human feelings. Students participation in this activity provides them with the experience and knowledge of understanding different kinds of feelings. This might be difficult to achieve without going through the process of generating the emotions .