Feminists also draw attention to women as victims of crime. Although men are more likely to be victims of street crime, women are more likely to be victims of gendered crimes such as rape and domestic violence. They suggest that patriarchal ideology encourages women to be portrayed, not as victims, but as the causes of these crimes. Judges have made comments in the past suggesting that women ‘have asked’ for these crimes to be committed against them, for example, their clothes, being out late, etc. This leads to further social control over women over where women can go, when, and what they should wear. Heidensohn quotes the Islington Survey where women expressed fear about going out at night and fear of violence. This fear, again, keeps women in the home.
The work of Dobash and Dobash can be applied to offer a critique of the chivalry thesis. They found that when the woman is the victim of crime, such as rape or domestic violence, the courts are often harsh on her. Lees argues that in many instances the female rape victim is intimidated by the defence and made to feel as though she is on trial.