Life in the middle ages


only rich people drank wine and poor people drank ale (a weak beer)

people were very religious and took sunday off

people enjoyed to look at animals

rich people bought hawks to hunt for them

men enjoyed to play football more than archery


boat was the fastest way to travell around england

some people were fortunate enough to travell by horse

carts were often used to take people to the nearest town with their goods

most people travelled on foot


people usually spent two days a week looking after their lords land

people had ploughs pulled by ox

women spun wool on a spinning wheel

men women and children all had to harvest when the time came

the life of farmers mostly depended on the weather

crime and punishment

you could be fined a weeks wages for letting your animals eat other villagers crops

people were hanged for stealing clothes or food

policemen didnt get paid

prisons were places people were held

people had food thrown at them (or worse) whilst they were in the stocks