Meter Installation OCM Brainstorm


UMAX Go live - January 2018

Meter Installation Communication Plan

Outreach Forum for Development Community

Marketing Material

Outreach letter to all of the builder and developer community to alert them to the process change along with explanation and history

Email sent to builder to notify that a work order will be issued in the next 3 to 5 days for installation from MPN

To be process add ons

Website message on the GUS website, Permitting website, any other websites?

Feedback tool to see how we are doing; satisfaction survey

Invite developers and builders that we issue the most meters to and have them on site and do a Q&A; have all of our experts there like steering committee, maldonado, someone from permitting so that they understand we aren't going to delay the installation

Communication to staff; explanation of new process FAQ sheet (print out) (how to handle emergencies, answer questions, working with the planner scheduler

Internal staff FAQ

Customer facing FAQ

Outreach Forum to launch 60 days prior to process/meter install project kick-off - December 2017



city staff involved

developer/builder community

Marketing material sent on which dates


Refine / Improvement plan (after we have been doing this for a while) - 3 to 6 month check-in

how to handle new builders/developers that come on after we have launched the change/if they haven't seen this before


Two purposes for the pilot

Select builder that matches the volume to be tested and somewhat political that has a voice in the development community

Prepare for the outreach forum/communicationplan

Operations has a chance to test the process







Electric Ops

Metering Services

Planner Scheduler

Call Center

Economic Development


Development Community



Public Relations/Communications

GUS Board





developed by marketing


Irrigation variance - putting the variance in a water proof sleeve to rubber band to the meter (get with Mark); only issued 200 irrigation variances in the past year and we issue 200 meters a month (while metering services are out there to leave a irrigation variance notification; add to the to be process

Launch pilot in October 2017

Develop marketing material

Cutover time period

look at any chances for cross-over where we could be doing the process at the same time as the development/builder community; how DAS to handle

when to create the install work order (trigger in MPN possibly); how does DAS know when to create work order

When does DAS know to trigger a work order in UMAX

Email to go to builder/developer/plumber saying your meter will be installed

Email to go to builder/developer/plumber to confirm meter install (we aren't doing this for electric)

Meter install project go live, 30 days after go live - February 2018

Pros/cons for to launch before or after UMAX go live

Before UMAX Go Live

Pro - easier transition to go into UMAX with the new process versus going into UMAX with the old and pilot process

After UMAX Go Live

Pro - pilot can go longer

Con- will have to do the two processes with UMAX at the same time and we won' t know if UMAX can handle two separate workflows

Issue feedback tool

Interim planner scheduler needs to be in place