Infracolic Compartment: Large Bowel
~ 5 ft long
forms arch from cecum to anus
Ascending Colon
Transverse Colon
Descending Colon
Sigmoid Colon
Anal Canal
differs from SI
more distensible
Taeniae coli
3 narrow bands (libre, omentalis, mesocolica)
equidistant around tube from appendix to rectum
end: expand & fuse w/ one another --> more robust, distinct layer
1/6 shorter than colon
haustra coli
epiploic (omental) appendages
fat storage bodies
enclosed & suspended w/in peritoneum
plica semilunares (semilunar folds) replace plica circularis of SI
mucosa evenly developed & w/o villi
remove water from food residue
store & compact stool
fusion fascia
previously peritonealized colon + posterior body wall peritoneum
area dorsal to ascending & descending colon (secondarily retroperitoneal)
Clinical correlation: surgical approach for ascending & descending colon b/c no vessels/nerves traverse
mesoappendix: extension of dorsal mesentery
transverse mesocolon
suspends transverse colon from post. body wall
along transverse line (~LV1-LV2)
sigmoid mesocolon
suspends sigmoid colon
across L. pelvic brim to 3rd sacral segment
peritonealized, blind pouch
ileocecal valve
terminal ileum invaginates into cecum --> superior & inferior lips
not competent; contraction of terminal ileum prevents reflux of cecal contents into ileum
blind-ending diverticulum
~ 8 cm long
retrocecal position (64%)
taenia coli form complete long. layer
mucosa & submucosa filled w/ lymphoid nodules
inflammation d/t blockage of lumen
overgrowth of epithelial lining
impaction via coprolith (fecal stone)
referred pain: GVA fibers to T10 dermatome @ umbilicus
McBurney's point: contact w/ parietal peritoneum of post. body wall (2/3 distance from umbilicus to ASIS)
from cecum to R.colic flexure (hepatic)
narrower than cecum
anterior: SI & greater omentum
lateral: (R. paracolic gutter &) transversus abdominis
medial: post. body wall & SI
posterior: post. body wall & R. kidney
from R. colic flexure to L. colic flexure (splenic)
gastrocolic lig. to stomach
posterior: mesocolon to post. body wall
anterior: omental apron of greater omentum
phrenicocolic lig.: L. colic flexure to L. diaphragm
superior: liver, gall bladder, stomach & spleen
anterior: ant. body wall
inferior: SI
posterior: mesocolon
from L. colic flexure to pelvic brim
anterior: SI
lateral: (L. paracolic gutter &) transversus abdominus
medial: SI & L. kidney
posterior: post. body wall
from descending colon to rectum
S-shaped; L.side --> R.side --> ending midline
evaginations of colonic mucosa at weakest pts (where blood vessels penetrate)
most often in descending & sigmoid colon
d/t increased pressure generated by colon to move feces of low fiber content
diverticulitis: when material becomes lodged in pockets causing inflammation
partially peritonealized
proximal 1/3: peritoneum laterally & anteriorly
mid 1/3: peritoneum anteriorly only
distal 1/3
rectal ampulla: dilated portion resting on pelvic diaphragm; exists below peritoneum
peritoneum reflected to pelvic visceral or lateral & post. pelvic wall
outer long.: teniae coli fan out --> bands ant. & post.
inner circ.: continuous w/ colon
transverse rectal folds
3 shelves (mucosa, submucosa & some circular m.)
protrude from walls of rectum
cause external curvatures & flexures (L=2; R=1)
assist in supporting fecal mass
dilated portion superior to pelvic diaphragm
in anal triangle b/w opposing ischioanal fossae
from pelvic diaphragm to anus
angles 90' posteriorly d/t puborectal sling (at jxn of rectum & anal canal)
ischioanal fat surrounds & allows for expansion during elimination
anal sphincters:
internal (IAS)
involuntary; autonomically innervated
external (EAS)
circularly arranged skeletal m.
inferior rectal bbr. of pudendal n. (S2-4)
anal columns:
anal valves:
anal sinuses:
vertical folds d/t veins deep to mucous membrane
venous anastomses connect base of contiguous anal columns & bridge across anal sinuses; course creates pectinate line
depression b/w anal columns & valves
Hilton's White Line (intersphincteric line)
pt where EAS meets IAS
anal verge: transitional epithelium changes to perianal skin
Transitional area (anal pecten)
pectinate line above & Hilton's White line below
demarcates epithelial change of mucosa
continuous w/ inner circ. layer
prolapse of rectal mucosa
internal rectal venous plexus affected; trapped by contracted sphincters --> engorged & ulcerated veins
bright red blood d/t elaborate anastomoses
thrombosed vv. of external rectal venous plexus
directly under skin; painful
d/t increased intra-abdominal pressure (i.e. chronic constipation, straining at stool; pregnancy & portal HTN)
thinner muscular layers; incomplete outer (long.) layer