Lords and on-lookers
Lady Macbeth
Fleance has escaped?! Well that has ruined my plan, what if he comes to seek revenge? What am I to do? Oh I am scared, my hard work will not be un-done
I’m going to make the people love me and see me as an all-encompassing King.
Ha I shall raise a toast to Banquo - the best alibi
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Is Macbeth okay? This is weird, perhaps we should leave"
What on earth is he playing at - trust him to leave it to me to uphold our image and make excuses for him
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I wish he would behave like a good host, and hurry up before this food gets cold!
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I don't know how to break it to him - how can I tell him we only did half the task? How will he react? I''ll just say it straight. I hope he doesn't kill me
I think it was a pretty good death – we didn’t leave him to suffer, it was the kindest thing to do. (After a few beatings haha!)
"Ourself will mingle with society, and play the humble host"
"his throat is cut: that I did for him"
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"Most royal Sir, Fleance is 'scaped"
"with twenty trenched gashes on his head"
"you do not give the cheer"
"I had else been perfect - Whole as the marble....but now I am cabined, cribbed, confined..."
"graced person of our Banquo present"
What on earth are they talking about, do they think I'm stupid?
"The table is full
"Here is a place reserved sir"
"Sit, worthy friends . My lord is often thus, and has been from his youth"
"Gentlemen, rise: His Highness is not well"