definitive guide to recruiting
Focus: recruiting
at the top three levels of organizations
C-level executives
direct reports
layer below that-"top-X group"
distinct advantage
hiring gets a failing grade
hiring situations as emergencies
the numbers of years of relevant work experience to be one of the top reasons
assessment practices
hiring good people is a key source of competitive advantage
anticipating the need for new hires
specifying the job
developing a pool of candidates
assessing the candidates
closing the deal
integrating the newcomer
reviewing the effectiveness of the hiring process
the most effective way to hire top-level managers
a combination of our own and established research about the relationship between recruiting and long-term corporate performance
first step: establishing a sound recruitment process
review high-level leadership requirements
recognize firm's existing top-X pool is probably inadequate
develop a plan
our research
two studies
interviews with 50 CEOs
survey of executive
search consultants
job-based competencies
team-based competencies
firm-based competencies
the most effective strategy for sourcing is to think not only about candidates themselves but also about people who may know the best ones
network-sourcing strategy
right interviewers
right numbers of interviewers
right techniques
right organizational support
organization's commitment
the job
the boss