**Innovations of the Industrial Revolution

Flying Shuttle
Definition: Is one of the first important inventions in the textile industry and was invented by John Kay (1733).

Transportation - From Market to Market Inventions

Turnpike Road System

Definition: A toll road designed to withstand weather, James Macadam was the inventor of the most successful turnpike system, which consisted of three layers of graded stone, the top was granite gravel.

Macadam's technique was in wide-usage (Those gravel roads still abundant in British Columbia) ❤

Streamlined distribution of manufactured goods between settlements ❤

Turnpike roads didn't financially charge the government due to the private businesses developing them at the cost of taxing those who want to use them (separate industry) ❤

The gravel which slopped away from the center of the road would shed rainfall into ditches located on the sides ❤

Streamlined delivery of resources to manufacturing plants (pollution/profit) ❤ ❌


Definition: Railways were carts, which travelled on tracks. They sent items and people from one location to another.

Railways were the main transportation at the end of the 1800's. ❤

Locomotives are on rail mechanisms powered by steam (an introduction to the train.) ❤

Railways were extremely important in the late 1800's. Entire industries depended on their transportation ❤

Fastest trains moved at 39 km/h. (which the majority thought to be unhealthy at the time) ❤


Definition: A canal is a man-made waterway built for boats to transport items long distances.

Cheap and fast transportation. Canals reduced the cost of shipping by 3 quarters of the prior prices. ❤

Exceptional at transporting heavy goods and raw minerals ❤

Can carry goods for longer distances, some canals were built to be over 4000 kilometers long. ❤

The first canal was built in 1760, it was only a few kilometres long. ❤

By: Blake and Jonathan

Con: Many were in need of occupations since less people were needed to finish the tasks. The flying shuttle caused the weaving process to use up more yarn compared to the spinner which made the yarn supply decrease rapidly. Inventors needed to get a larger amount of yarn. ❌

Economic Revolution Part 2 By: Bhav and Mahik

Watts Steam Engine:This machine solved the problem of water seeping into deep coal mines because it compressed steam in order to create power instead of water wheel machines.

Effect 1: It pumped water out of the mines allowing the workers to efficiently perform their jobs.
❤ ❌

Effect 2: Advocated for better coal mining which was a very important part of the industrial revolution.
❤ ❌

Cast Iron: A process involving the burning of sulphur in coals coke which revealed the iron underneath.

Effect 1: Provoked growth in the coal industry ❌

Effect 2: Iron products were cheaper easier to produce ❤

Effect 3: People could buy more beneficial iron products ❤

Economic Revolution Part 1

Flying Shuttle

Con: Many were in need of occupations since less people were needed to finish the tasks. The flying shuttle caused the weaving process to use up more yarn compared to the spinner which made the yarn supply decrease rapidly. Inventors needed to get a larger amount of yarn. ❌
Pro: Made weaving much faster and permitted larger looms to operate with a single individual instead of 2 people. ❤

Locomotives produced an abundance of emissions (transportation at the cost of pollution) ❌

Definition: Is one of the first important inventions in the textile industry and was invented by John Kay (1733).


Transportation was still relatively slow ❤

Spinning Jenny


Cranked wheel that spinned multiple threads at the same time. ❤

Definition: An innovative machine that is operated by a hand.


They required an abundance of water to maintain and operate ❌

Water Frame

Increased in the speed in contrast to the Spinning Jenny. It was a method of spinning yarn using rollers. ❤


Definition: The water frame was a name given to a spinning frame that is powered by water.

the new breeds produced more meat than the older ones

the newer breeds of the animals were expensive but were better and later made you mooney with their wool or milk ❤

he use of a seed drill can improve the ratio of crop yield (seeds harvested per seed planted) by as much as nine times. ❤

it sows the seeds at equal distances and proper depth, ensuring that the seeds get covered with soil and are saved from being eaten by birds. ❤

they replaced old animals with newer ones that benefited then a lot more ❤

the newer breeds didn't catch diseases as fast as the older animals ❤

Seed drills of earlier centuries included single-tube seed drills in Sumer and multi-tube seed drills in China, and later a seed drill by Jethro Tull that was influential in the growth of farming technology in recent centuries. ❤

Canals were quite popular and therefore were quite difficult to manuveur ❌

The seed drill was invented in 1701 by Jethro Tull. ❤

the sheep gave more wool and the cows gave more milk ❤

they sometimes killed some of the animals when they couldn't keep them alive because of the lack of food ❤ ❌

the new breeds produced more meat than the older ones ❤

The low shipping prices of the Canals made them the ideal transportation option for manufacturing industries, canals themselves became an industry ❤

Crop rotation is much more efficient than the old method, which was only growing one type of crop during the spring and summer ❤

Crop rotation is when a farmer grows different crops depending on the season so they can grow crops all year round ❤

before they used to broadcast (throwing seeds by hand)

the seed drill was faster and less wasteful than broadcasting

plants seeds in rows it was a planting machine which made planting seeds a lot easier

when they used to broadcast a lot of the birds would eat the seeds so a lot those seeds went to waste

made it possible and easier to farm with fewer people

DEFINITION"the system of varying successive crops in a definite order on the same ground, especially to avoid depleting the soil and to control weeds, diseases, and pests."

DEFINITION"A seed drill is a device that sows the seeds for crops by metering out the individual seeds, positioning them in the soil, and covering them to a certain average depth."