Nublue observations/feedback


Client reported issues

Issue where Jewel Hut were not able to login to the admin panel. Comms flow was Client > Megan > Alex > Megan > Client > Megan > Alex.

Is there scope for a dev support role within the Agency?

Data driven development

From some feedback from the team, I'm hearing that the thought is that we're possibly too 'development focused' where often a new front end or UX analysis would work.

Offer e-commerce strategy

  1. Identify stakeholder objectives
  1. Analysis
  • Analytics
  • Persona creation
  • User Testing
  • Audit
  • Research

This would then become the benchmark for success - have we fixed the problems that we identified here?

  1. Round robin collaborative work

Development & client services teams


Dev support role could reduce this?

A better ticketing system?

Are the current allotted times really working?

Quality assurance management

No specific QA testing team

See my diagram here for more details on testing:

We should be testing mid development - also showcasing isolated functionality to the client for immediate feedback

There would be a test data requirement here

There would be a concept of pre and post production testing



Testing along side modules/sprints of fucntioanlity

Test data

Test intergrations

Testing mid dev would reveal defects earlier before dev becomes compounded and complex to re-write

Production integrations ready

Deployment procedure documented

Go live smoke tests defined - preferably test automation is employed here

Express our expertese in e-commerce more than dev, but optimization and 'problem' identification.

Proposal phase

I've had feedback that there needs to be a more collaborative approach to this, documents are too 'word heavy' and are open to mis-interpretation and ambiguity.

Personal comment - this is still a little foggy to me until I've experienced it end to end to pass further judgement here.

The Data Issue
(I'm on another diagram)