To restrict which records can be viewed:
In the View records related to tab in the 'Assigned groups' section of the page, select the Assign User Group drop-down menu.
You can select from the following options: Audience, Position, Organisation, or Individual Assignment depending on your requirements.
As user groups are selected and specified, the 'Assigned users' section of the page is dynamically updated to display the individual users selected. Only records that 'belong' to these specific users will be displayed in reports applying this restriction.
In the case of groups (Audience, Position, Organisation) of users the 'Assigned users' list will be updated dynamically to reflect changes of group membership. If a user falls out of an assigned group their records will no longer be visible via this restriction.
Review the 'Assigned users' to ensure the correct record limiting selections have been set.
Assigning users to the restriction
The Users allowed to select restriction tab allows you to specify which users are assigned to the restriction.
Users assigned to a single restriction will have the restriction applied when viewing globally restricted reports and the report data will be limited to the records as defined in the View records related to tab of the restriction.
Users assigned to multiple restrictions will be notified of which restriction has been applied to a report being viewed and will have the option to change which restrictions are applied. They can select among any of the active restrictions they have been assigned to but they must always select at least one restriction to be applied. See Viewing reports with active global report restrictions below.
You can toggle between:
Assigning to and allowing all users to apply this restriction using the Make this restriction available to all users button, which will hide the user limiting options, and:
Assigning to specific groups or individuals and limiting the users that can be apply the restriction using the Restrict which users can use this restriction button, which reveals the user limiting options.
To restrict which users are assigned to and can apply this restriction:
In the Users allowed to select restriction tab in the 'Assigned groups' section of the page, again select the Assign User Group drop-down menu and select from the available options as described above.
As user groups are selected and specified, the 'Assigned users' section of the page is dynamically updated to display the individual users selected. Only users specified in this list can apply this restriction to reports.
In the case of groups (Audience, Position, Organisation) of users the 'Assigned users' list will be updated dynamically to reflect changes of group membership. If a user falls out of an assigned group they can no longer apply the restriction and may have access to more data than before.
Review the 'Assigned users' to ensure the correct user limiting selections have been set.
Viewing or activating/deactivating global report restrictions
Go to Site administration > Reports > Report builder > Global report restrictions, or, from within editing a given restriction, click All Restriction to return to the Global report restrictions main page.
Here you can activate or deactivate any global restrictions.
Multiple global report restrictions can be added to a site and activated or deactivated when required.
By default these restrictions will now be active on all new reports that you create. When active this will restrict access to reports based on the configuration of the restrictions. Groups can then be added or removed at any time based on requirements.
Activate global report restrictions on an existing report
Once Global report restrictions have been enabled and a restriction has been created, these restrictions can then be applied to any existing report which supports global report restrictions.
In Site administration > Reports > Report builder > Manage reports.
Select any embedded or user