Chapter 16 Section 1: Why Do Atoms Combine?
Electron Cloud
Periodic Table
Chemical Bonds
Electron Dot Diagrams
Electron Configurations
Region surrounding the nucleus of an atom, where electrons are most likely to be found.
Element Structure
Element Families
Element Arrangements
Some of the element families are the noble gases in group 18, the Halogens in group 17, and the Oxygen family in group 16.
Energy Level
Is the force that holds two atoms together.
Chemical bonds unite atoms in a compound much as glue unites the pieces of a toy boat.
Each energy level can hold a maximum number of electrons. The further an energy level is from the nucleus, the more electrons it can hold.
The first energy level, energy level 1, can hold one or two electrons. The second, energy level 2, can hold up to 8 electrons. The third energy level can hold up to 18 electrons. And the last energy level can hold a maximum of 32 electrons.
Atoms bond with other atoms in such a way that each atom becomes more stable.
The symbol for element surrounded by as many dots as there are electrons in its outer energy level.
The dots are written in pairs on four sides of the elements symbol, then work your way around, adding dots to the right, bottom and left.
Elements can be divided into groups, or families. Members of the same element family have similar chemical properties.