Age Of Jackson

Expansion of Democracy

States rights

Panic f 1837

Indian Removal

Indian Removal Act

Indian Territory

Tail of Tears

Whig Party

Panic Of 1837

Martin Van Burien

William Henry Harrison

Nominating conventions

Jacksonian Democracy

Voting rights

States' rights Doctrine

Nullification Crisis

Tariff of Aboinations

Bank of the U.S.

800-mile forced march

U.S. land that is now known as Oklahoma

removal of the native Americans who lived east of the Mississippi river

became one of the first issues that President Jackson faced

the supporters and the opponents of nullification deepened

first back of the united states

Andrew Jackson supporters

the members choose the canidates

democracy in the 1820s and 1830s

the states had formed the National Government, state power should be greater than Federal power

an army general

a severe economic depession

idea of a weak president and a strong congress

one of Jackson strongest allies