Tentative Title: Does Age Make A Difference? Japanese Speakers Learning English


Background Info: Critical Period explanation should be included Robustness of CP effects in learning a second language/factors (DEKEYSER)

Statement of the Problem: ????????????

Thesis: Despite differing viewpoints, as an individual ages, the ability to learn a new language declines because of the Critical Period that can cause native Japanese speaking adults to have difficulty in learning a secondary language such as American-based English.

Supporting Paragraph/Topic 1: Adults learning second language

Young children are able to learn a second language better and reach higher levels of proficiency than adults (JOHNSON & NEWPORT)

Adults second language learning (AUSUBEL)

Supporting Paragraph/Topic 2: Children learning second language

Supporting Paragraph/Topic 3: Japanese adults and children Learning English include information from the critical period explanation to give reasons and tie in data about adults and kids L2

Differing viewpoint of CP- if it is connected to children learning second language (SINGLETON & LESNIEWSKA)

Maturational state of child's brain in learning first and second language (J & N)

How Japanese are able to adapt themselves to communicate practically with native speakers (TOMOKO & BEEBE)

Who would have the advantage in acquiring English as a second language: Japanese Adults or Kids? (AOYAMA ET AL)

Kids and Adults both have equal abilities to learn second language--problem of age (SCHUMANN)

Supporting Paragraphs/ Topics should support the thesis

maybe? Supporting Paragraph/Topic 4: ??


Reminder of the purpose of the paper/Restatement of thesis

General conclusions


Future research

[L] and [R] difference with native Japanese and English speakers (MIYAWAKI) and Sounds of a second language? (DIAZ)

Kids and Adults both have equal abilities to learn second language--problem of age (SCHUMANN)