In 2006, the CIMA Code of Ethics for Professional Accountants' was launched. Revised codes were issued in 2010 and 2015. In the revised 2015 Code, Part C was developed in co-operation with the American Institute of Certified Public Accountants (AICPA); and like Parts A and B, the elements of the updated Part C which apply to CIMA members and students continue to reflect IFAC's fundamental principles and conceptual framework approach. The CIMA Code reflects the standards CIMA expects of its members and students. It is aligned with global standards across the profession. It reflects its status as a Chartered Institute and as a basis for any complaints or cases under CIMA's disciplinary procedures. The CIMA Code of Ethics aims to: 1. identify the nature of the personal responsibility that the management accountant takes on as part of the price for getting a reasonable salary and status. 2. Provide guidance on how to identify the practical situations where particular care might need to be taken because of the ethical pitfalls involved. 3. Provide general guidance on how to address those difficult questions. The CIMA Code itself is split into 3 parts with a list of definitions at the end. Part A - General Application of the Code: Introduction and the fundamental principles of integrity, objectivity, professional competence and due care, confidentiality and professional behaviour. Part B - Professional Accountants in Public Practice: Cover issues identified as being of relevance to accountants in public practice such as professional appointment, conflicts of interest, second opinions, fees and other type of remuneration, marketing professional services, gifts and hospitality, custody of client assets, objectivity in all services and independence in assurance engagements. Part C - Professional Accountants in Business: Covers Issues such as potential conflicts, preparation and reporting of information, acting with sufficient expertise, financial interests and inducements.