
PBS fills out online skills assessment questionaire

Needs Assessment-SE Request Support from SEI

Data Entered into Skills Match System

Data Entered into Skills Match System

Potential Match Flagged with System Controller

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System Controller decides appropriateness of match .

No suitable Matches at present

Appropriate Match

Contact made with SE and PBS separately to confirm needs/ skills offering/ time requirement/ availability etc.

Contact made with PBS to state that there are no appropriate matches with SE's at present, however we will be in touch as soon as a need arises

Connection made between SE and PBS

SE and PBS to arrange initial meeting

SE/PBS decide if the connection is viable

Connection between SE and PBS not viable

Connection viable

Feedback given to SEI

Systems Controller discusses with SE re why match did not work and incorporates feedback into future match.

Systems controller to follow up with PBS to discuss, get feedback on experience and inform that we will take feedback on board, make future matches if they are so inclined.

Systems controller to make new match based on feedback

Successful match! .

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Project plan developed by SE and PBS

Milestones set

Project plan sent to Systems controller/input into system with milestones

Milestones used as check in points for System controller

Feedback to be given at each milestone

Progress made

Need Addressed/Problem solved

Feedback given from SE to SEI system controller

Systems controllor to meet/ call PBS to get feedback and complete off-boarding and end of programme.

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end of year reporting/system improved

end of year reporting/feedback provided to Corporate Partner.

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Relationship continues post-match made