Global Moderation
Concepts / Ideas
Current Issues
inequality (Malaysia/Socioeconomic)
Theory of Inequality
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Current trajectory
Where do we position ourselves? How to be in the middle?
sustainable development
position of self
What makes of you being in the middle?
Wasatiyyah vs Communism vs Socialism vs "Middle Man"
The practicality of Wasatiyyah?
Perpaduan, How do we maintain peace, the islamic way
we stick to our principle but at the same time we respect people's ideas. The main goal is to obtain peace.
applicability of Wasatiyyah?
Dr Dzukifli a fit, with his opinions on Christmas
Adakah perlu kita ber wasatiyyah dlm pegangan kita?
Wasatiyyah comparison?
Where is the borderline of Wasatiyyah? To what extend are we too extreme and to what extent are we too moderate?
What is the actual position of Wasatiyyah in Islam? It is not a creed but as to what extend does it play an important role?
Balance vs Wasatuyyah vs Moderate? Apa beza and why need to differentiate
Why Perpaduan. Because we live in a multicultural society. We share this world with others. Hidup bergantungan
What are other concepts that we can compare with Wasatiyyah. Other concepts of moderation