Contersepctives/birth control

Hormonal Methods Grace Kraft

Barrier Methods-Sydney

Fertility Awareness Methods (FAM)/ Natural Methods

By: Chloe Mahoney


Intrauterine Methods (IUD) Grace Kraft

Condom- Male:Latex, Plastic, or animal tissue that is placed on the penis, to prevent sperm from entering the uterus by catching it in the condom.

Suppressing ovulation and preventing fertilization or implantation

cassie stick

Sterillization: The process of renedering an individual incapble of sexual reproduction

Sponge- disk shaped device that contains spermicide and has to be used to before sexual contact and it works up to 24 hours.

Barrier Methods - ways to prevent the sperm from contact to the egg. The sperm are either physically blocked from entering the uterus or either killed by a chemical before it reaches the egg.

Cervical cap- Purchased with a prescription and is a small latex cup that fits over the cervix .

100% effectiveness for preventing pregnancy!

100% effectiveness for preventing STI's!

Morning After Pill/ Plan B





Vasectomy: When the males vas deference is cut and sealed. This is a permanent way birth control, the sperm is absorbed by the skin rather than mixed in with semen.

Tubal Ligation: When the fallopian tubes are cut and tied, or clamped to prevent sperm from reaching the ova.

The Pill

99.9% effectiveness

Does not protect against STIs

This is about 99.5% effective in preventing pregnancy. This is highly preventable for pregnancy, though this is usually permanent and reversible surgery is very expensive.

99.7% effectiveness

deliberate decision to avoid high-risk behaviors

Does not protect against STIs

Abstinence Article

92% effectiveness

Does not protect against STIs

89% effectiveness

Does not protect against STIs

92% effectiveness

Does not protect against STIs

Does not protect against STIs

92-97% effectiveness

By: Chloe Mahoney

75% efficiency from preventing pregnancy

Cervical Mucus Method

No efficiency in preventing STI's!

Diaphram- soft latex silicone cup with a flexible rim that covers the entrance to the cervix.

Temperature Method

Spermicide-a form of birth control taken through pills, creams, jellies, and contraceptive foams.

Changing the lining of the uterus and falopian tubes affecting the movements of eggs and sperm so fertilization does not occur

Hormonal (progestin)

Non-hormonal (copper)

99.9% effectiveness

99.2% effectiveness

Does not protect against STIs

Does not protect against STIs

Calendar Method

Standard Days Method

Female Condom- polyurethane pouch that fits inside the uterus

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