
3.2-LOD and LOI

3.3-Primary use of the data

3.4-Modelling activities

4.1- PIM

4.2-Information Exchange Points & Project Deliverables

4.3-Data Exchange Formats

4.4-Software Platforms



6.1-Planning & Work Segregation

6.2-Roles & Responsibilities

6.3-Coordination Management





6.1.1-Project Location, Origin & Orientation

6.1.6-Survey & Mapping

6.1.2-Volume & Zoning Strategy

6.1.3 Seed File s & Library Content

6.3.1 CDR workshops

6.3.2-6.3.2 Model coordination and clash detection

7.1-PAS 1192-5 compliance

8.1-Validation and verification of the PIM at each stage gate

8.1.1 Compliance, completeness and integrity monitoring of LOD and LOI at each stage gate

8.1.2 -Software utilise to carry out and/or automate data validation checks

9.1 Lessons learnt

6.2.1 Lead Designer

4.1.1-Which platforms, versions, exchange formats

4.1.2-Limitations on software systems, compatibility and security

4.1.3-How they will be configured and managed to deliver PIM

4.3.1-Exchange format Standards and interoperability

4.3.2-Additional Exchange Format not included in EIR

4.2.1-How PIM components will be exchanged

4.2.2-Circumstances when information is to be shared between Stages

4.1.1-How produce, update and maintain PIM in line with SMP

4.1.2-How produce, share and manege the PIM in CDE

4.1.3-How maintain integrity and compatibility of the PIM

4.1.4-Innovative use of PIM to stakeholder engagement

3.2.1-LOD at each stage gate for graphical models

3.2.2-LOI at each stage gate for non-graphical components

3.2.3-Component to be developed to a greter LOD or LOI

3.3.1-Data to support primary uses

3.3.2-Provision of further data

As set out in EIR

Digital Asset information delivery plan in accordance with EIR and industry standards

3.4.1-How utilise modelling activities to achieve objectives

3.4.2-Any other modelling activities not included

3.4.3-Common data exchange formats and classification systems

As required by LM

10.1 Supply chain capability assessment

eg: Health & Safety ...

Appendix Gap analysis


6.2.3 Contact Details

4.5 CDE Set up & Management

Frequency of exchange

5.2 Information classification

6.1.4 Scale & Units

4.5.1 Electronic Data Exchange

6.1.7 GIS

10.2 Training Plan

9.2 Change Management

4.5.2 Model Transmittal Form

Systems Integration maps

5.1 Standards & Protocols

Link to TAP & Design/Engineering Management Plan

4.5.3 Information Approvals & Authorisation

4.5.4 Common Data Environment

4.5.5 File Naming

Modelling Strategy

6.1.5 Electronic File Size Limitations

6.1.8 Information Presentation

6.2.2 Project Authoring Stakeholders

6.2.4 Project delivery and information management

6.2.5 Project delivery contacts

6.2.6 Document control

7.2 Security Triage Assessment

9.1.1 LM Case Studies

9.1.2 Supply Chain Monitoring

Appendix Capability Assessment Form

10.2.1 LM Staff

Supply Chain

Plan for HS2 to Audit LM against

Not a statement of intent

Set out the way to do BIM - referencing other procedures & how these are communicated

Updated WI1800 due Thursday 5th January

Detail of how to deliver these to sit outside this plan - may follow at a later date

to include procedures for how data is used

high level overview - revisit handover formats column

Consider any other additional reference information required - ££ associated? Request from HS2.

eg: Extended OS / LIDAR

consider what you are going to do with the data - against the high level work scope categories

Consider Assurance & Coordination across the EWCs

Include Change Management of PIM here

Avoid lengthy descriptions, simply reference other procedures / documents

These will be Package specific

Proposed procedure for handling information in formats not compatible / recognized

Re membering always Information Purpose

Summarise all other docs referenced and what they are to be used for - summary description of each

Classification dependent on final owner

Uniclass 2015 - MWCC, Enabling Works will need to be 1.4 - to discuss further with EWCs

No Names - Role Descriptions, Ref external contacts table or similar

Ensure procedure aligned with Engineering Assurance process

keep simple - JV principle

Reference External Standards

Snake Grid - dependent on Purpose & Final Owner / stakeholder

Employers CAD QA rules in Projectwise


BIM assurance - what Procedures to follow? How is this evidenced? How can HS2 check/audit this?

Mentioned Solibri but recognize IFC difficulties ??

How do you verify data - not just output

Explain BIM KPI monitoring / reporting process

include procedure

Make relevant to activity / work scope

high level overview - split deliverables into Graphical / Non Grahical / Documentation??