Health promotion outline for patients in achieving wellness while living with CKD

A well balanced diet

KDIGO (2013) supports avoiding protein intake of greater than 1.3 /g/kg/day

changes may include limiting fluids, eating a low-protein diet, limiting salt, potassium, phosphorous, and other electrolytes, and getting enough calories if you are losing weigh

Teach patients how to read nutrition labels on food items and avoid drinking softened water due to the added sodium

Make changes in the diet habits by consulting a renal dietician

Life style modifications

Individuals with CKD are encouraged to talk about emotions, fears and concerns with family members as a healthy coping mechanism

Encourage the patient to stay involved in activities, sports, hobbies, play, recreation, and the responsibilities of daily living

Limit alcohol intake to less than one standard size drink a day for women and two for men

Lifestyle modifications are important to slow the progression CKD

Avoid exposure to secondhand smoke and cigarette smoking

Individuals with CKD are encouraged to achieve a healthy weight ranging from a BMI of 20 to 25 and be committed to a daily exercise programme for optimum cardiovascular fitness

Control blood pressure

Salt intake should be restricted to less than 90 mmol or 2 grams of sodium per day

Adults with urine albumin levels of < or equal to 30 mg/ 24 hours whose systolic BP is >140 mm of Hg, or diastolic is >90 mm of Hg need to be treated with antihypertensives

Measuring BP correctly is essential for appropriate classification , which can help determine the best treatment stratergies

Hypertension is one of the most common causes of CKD or can be a consequence of CKD. So take the medication as prescribed

In older adults it s important to assess for orthostatic hypotension and postural dizziness

Glycemic control

Lowering the A1C below or around 7%has been shown to reduce micro-vascular complications associated with diabetes

An A1C should be drawn twice a year in individuals who are meeting treatment goals, and quarterly in those with treatment changes and or not meeting goals

Consultation with a renal dietitian can be extremely helpful to plan a diabetic diet

A high level of spirituality in individuals with CKD plays a positive role in their mental health

Routine haemoglobin measurement help to identify iron deficiency as the most encountered anemia in CKD