Cultural property and digitalisation

Digital natives and immigrants

Cultural policy


Web 2.0

There are also digital immigrants. People who weren't born in the digital age who have put significant effort into learning how to use technology

"Today's student process information fundamentally differently from their predecessors" -(Prensky 2001: 1)

The idea that people that have grown up in the digital age are more proficient with technology

"Today's students ... represent the first generations to grow up with this new technology" - (Prensky 2001: 1)

These people have a different approach to work and social interaction

Younger generations would rather text than call someone

Difference between digital natives and immigrants

Hard to draw a line between the two

Some digital immigrants adopt technology better then some digital natives

Digital immigrants still adopt old habits that may hinder their ability to use technology

Its a gradual process to adopt technology

Are the ideas of technological natives and immigrants fixed?

Technology will change and new generations will be more adept at using the new technology.

Who does the internet belong to?

Belongs to younger generations due to the fact that it is a social space where new concepts and new trends take place.

Belongs to the younger generations because of the way they use it.

Digital natives use the internet for practically everything whereas digital immigrants may "dip" in and out of using the internet.

Older generations culture is developed outside of the internet

Internet allows social interaction that wouldn't occur if internet didn't exist

"Web 2.0 is the network as platform" - O'Reilly 2005

Huge mixture of user generated content and people sharing that content with friends.

Provides a challenge for media and new forms of audience access

"delivers rich user experiences" - O'Reilly 2005

Started early 2000's

To what extent do you participate in the construction of your web experience?

Not much added content but I watch a lot of things making me part of the audience



"Protect ideas that are new, non-obvious and useful or applicable to industry" - Hesomndhalgh, 2010:159

Protect symbols intended to distinguish the products of companies from one another

Example of over protection would be when the British Red Cross stopped a pantomime using a red cross on one of their characters.


"Protects those expressions deifned in law as 'literary and artistic works' (the principle is that it protects these expressions, not the ideas; patents supposedly protect ideas)" - Hesmondhalgh, 2010: 159

How long does it last?

Music = 70 years from when its published

Films = 70 years after the death of the director, screenplay author and composer

Written, dramatic, musical and artisitc work= 70 years after author's death

Broadcasts = 50 years after it is broadcast

Celebrities can own culture due their own images

Example would be Lindsay Lohan and the GTA V advertising

Does copyright matter?

Media can become pop culture where people wont be caught for copyright as it is so widely used

Culture owned by the public?

New media

The public domain

Defined as a "a body of works which can be used by anyone because no one can claim exclusive rights to their use. National copyright laws determine when a work passes out of copyright and into this public domain" - Hesmondhalgh 2010: 163

Means that people don't have to pay a fee to use or interpret work

Example of this would be the "HOPE" campaign for Obama's election campaign in 2008.

Obama HOPE example was disputed and the copyright ended up being shared by Fairey and the photographer of the orignal image called Mannie Garcia

You can manipulate and change the media creating a new idea

If someone is sharing the image and gaining no monetary advantage because of it people view it as ok.

It is important for people to know where the image came from

click to edit

Older generations don't have as much of an impact on Web 2.0

Copyright and creativity

Cultural creativity depends on public domain and the extension of copyright's reach may limit creativity - Hesmonhalgh

click to edit

How important is copyright to creativity?

You should mention the inspiration for the idea behind the media but you shouldn't have to avoid creating new media in fear of being prosecuted over copyright claims.

Is copyright friendly to innovation?

Do creatives have a responsibility to be aware of issues of copyright?

Limits innovation because people creating new media might not create the media they want in the fear that what they are creating is similar to something created before

Can slow down the creative process

Yes as they need to recognise fellow creatives and give them credit for their works