Paternity Leave and Childcare Leave

Paternity Leave


  • The child must be a Singapore Citizen
  • Father is lawfully married to spouse between conception and birth
  • Father have worked for 3 months in the same company or self-employed


  • 1 week of Government-Paid Paternity Leave(GPPL)
  • For fathers of citizen children born from 1 January 2015 onwards, you may get up to 1 additional week of GPPL, if your employer voluntarily agrees to provide it.
  • Fathers are entitled to 2 weeks of GPPL if the child is born after January 2017 onwards

Childcare Leave

  • If the child is not a Singaporean, the father is not eligible for paternity leave as it is based on the child’s citizenship.
  • On the other hand, if they meet all the other eligibility criteria, the child can become a Singapore citizen within 12 months of birth and the father can take paternity leave.
  • Father of a stillborn or newborn child that passed away is still eligible for paternity leave but need to have a hospital-issued notification of stillbirth. However, it does not apply if the wife had a miscarriage.



  • The child is under 7 years old




Calculating Actual leave days

  • Employee have worked for 3 months in the same company or self-employed
  • 6 days of childcare leave yearly if the child is a Singapore Citizen
  • The child is a Singapore Citizen or otherwise entitlement would vary under the Employment Act
  • 2 days of childcare leave yearly if the child is not a Singapore Citizen

Childcare leave is capped at 42 days

  • Leaves cannot be carried forward to the next year
  • First 3 days paid by the employers, Last 3 days paid by Government
  • Payments are capped at $500 per day including the CPF contribution
  • Parents are also entitled to 2 days of extend childcare leave if the youngest child is between 7 to 12 years old.

Conditions & Restriction

  • Early notice of 1 week
  • No transfering childcare leave to spouses
  • Carry over any unused childcare leave over to another company if you change job
  • Encash unused childcare leave