How can ICT for learning support student engagement with making meaning from text? :
ICT for learning CORE 2009 Different tools (see list), different opportunities to collaborate and specialise and more access (to text, audiences etc)
Making meaning:
Immersion (GEE 2008)
MoE Effective Literacy Practice (2006)
4 Resources Model (FREEBODY & LUKE 1999)
NZ research** Sandretto & Klenner (2012) , p30 Freire 'interrogate the world then the word'.
Engagement can be measured in many ways : from positive behaviours to cessation of negatives (CORE)
Maori and Pasifika engagment (CORE Ch6), also pride in identifying as Maori
What is text? Robinson & Robinson 2003, p3 , Text is 'any vehicle through which individuals communicate with one another using the codes and conventions of society' quoted in Sandretto 2012 , p12
She talks about implementing the Four Resources Model to 'develop a shared metalanguage to support students to develop multiliteracies' (pg12)
Ka Hikitia and Talanoa Ako
click to edit
Procedia (Monroy) 2014, ICT helped stimulate students love of poetry
USe multiple and diverse sources, so not limited by the ability to 'crack the codes of specific text format' (Campbell and Parr 2013)
Legitimate and authentic choices build confidence (ampbell and Parr P136 2013) Teachers model validity of students discovering who they are and bringing their identity to school
4 Resources Model reworked into Navigational roles by students (Campbell and Parr 2013)
Move from 'Making meaning to 'purposeful traveller' - Campbell and Parr 2013
Text to speech technology for struggling readers - Parr M 2011
'Reading for Pleasure pedagogy (p15), 'implicit messages being conveyed in their classrooms' (p14) - conclusion is that 'The project ... made a positive impact upon children's attainment, achievement and dispositions ... in primary education'.
'Literacy is defined as getting and giving meanings using written language, p9 Gee (2010)
Open dialogue - teachers constraints/power/assessments
Literacy Circles - a vehicle to think critically
Better feedback - timely/self/peer #
Analysing digital texts (sandretto and Klenner 2012), p248
Access to more infomration than any generation in history quoted in Considine et al
If there is a crisis in today's schools, it probably has more to do with students' perceptions that school is boring and largely irrelevant to preparation for life outside school (Howe & Strauss, 2006; National School Boards Association, 2007; Prensky, 2008 quoted in Considine et al
Media literacy recognizes the pleasure they derive from media texts beyond the classroom and values their exposure to popular culture texts as an important part of who they are as individuals.
Considine et al
The ability to access information obviously does not guarantee comprehension of that content. A report commissioned by the British Library (Joint Information Systems Committee, 2008) found that while the "Google generation" could access materials, their ability to process those texts was somewhat limited. Online search strategies of this age group are characterized as "skimming and squirreling behavior" (p. 10). They concluded that modern youth "have a poor understanding of their information needs," "find it difficult to develop effective search strategies," and spend little time "evaluating information either for relevance, accuracy or authority" (p. 12). Considine.
Ka Hikitia and Talanoa Ako