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Rh isoimmunisation (Non Immune Hydrops fetalis (Not seen (Pericardial…
Rh isoimmunisation (Non Immune Hydrops fetalis, NOT a predisposition for Rh isoimmunisation
Advanced maternal age, Rh factor
IgM antibody> glycoprotein, Erythroblastosis fetalis associated with
ABO incompatibility,Hydrops fetalis,Kernicterus, In erythroblastosis fetalis, first child is spared because
Sensitization of Rh negative mother by Rh positive fetus generally occurs at birth, Rh positive fetus. Substance deposited in skin and sclera
Conjugated and unconjugated bilirubin, Autopsy finding in Erythroblastalis fetalis is based on
Marked extramedullary hematopoiesis, Type of Hb NOT affected by Rh isoimmunisation
Anti Lewis, NOT a complication of Rh isoimmunisation
Oligohydramnios, Prognosis in Rh isoimmunisation depends on
Serum bilirubin, Fetal blood and maternal blood is differentiated by
Apt test, Apt test uses
NaOH, In Rh isoimmunisation, exchange transfusion is indicated if
Cord hemoglobin is less than 10 mg%, Cord bilirubin is more than 5 mg%)