American Expansion Influence
Land Purchase
Business Interest
Purchased from Russia
Alaska became the 49th state of the United States and people living in Alaska gained the same rights as citizens of the other states.
Purchase of Alaska costed $7.2 Million
Alaska was formally transferred to the United States on October 18, 1867. This purchase ended Russia’s presence in North America and ensured U.S. access to the Pacific northern rim.
March 30, 1867
Hawaii was organized into a formal U.S. territory.
March 1959, the U.S. government approved statehood for Hawaii, and in June the Hawaiian people voted by a wide majority to accept admittance into the United States. .
Different resources and industries.
Hawaii was the 50th state admitted to the union on August 20th, 1959.
On March 1959 the government officially approved Hawaii to become a US state.
Interested in sugar cane
Interested in tobacco
Many of the first industries.
Many interested in rum
Many trade sources