Documentary idea Old People Social Media and Finding Friends

Participatory Documentary mode


Non- formal interviews


Documentary makers presence in documentary

on location shooting

interacts with subjects

Synchronous sound recording

No viewpoint or 'angle' going in

No 'definitive' answers just portray the viewpoints of some people

on screen when conducting interviews

Interview both my nans and grandads

Facts and context

Establishing shot

Interview questions

Do you use social media?


How Often do you use it?

Why do you use it?

is it an effective way to keep up with old friends?

Is it an effective way to meet new friends?

Is it tough for older people to meet new friends

Are there enough social events for old people?



What do you know about social media?

What would you expect from social media?

How do you contact friends?

click to edit


Office for National Statistics

Only 38.7 percent of over 75s in the UK used the internet in May 2016

Compared to 99.2 percent of people aged 16-24

Women over 75 have had the largest rise in internet use from 2011 toMay 2016, with a 169% increase

In house interviews warm and cosy setting mirrors the tone of the documentary

I can go to an older persons social event