Obedience (Ta’ah)

“O you who believe! Obey Allah and obey the Messenger and those in authority from among you”. (Al-Nisa, 4: 59)


  • Allah.
  • Rasul.
  • Those above and superior to us.

There is no submission in matters involving God's disobedience or displeasure. Submission is obligatory only in what is in accordance with Shari’ah.


Regarded corrections as a form of assistance which a person extended to his brother in faith - not seen as exposing a fault.

Early Muslims’ ethics towards Differences:

  • Strove to avoid it (brotherhood transcends differences).
  • Remain firmly within the bounds of what is allowed in striving to reach the truth - admit their errors - tremendous respect for people of virtue, knowledge, and understanding.

The Concept of Justice ('Adl)

The term “‘Adl” implies:

  • Giving people what they deserve.
  • Impartiality.
  • Saying the truth.
  • Avoid oppressing others.
  • Avoiding bias and prejudice.

Adl (Justice) means to place things in their rightful places.

Being balanced in one’s views and judgements.

Forms of Expression in the Qur’an:
- al-‘Adl and its derivatives = 10(2: 282/ twice), (4: 58), 16: 76, 90), (49:9), (5: 8), (6:152), (42: 15)
- al-Qist - and its derivatives = 18 (3: 18, 21), (4: 127, 135), (5: 8, 42), (6: 152), (7: 29), (10: 4, 47, 54), (11:85), (21: 47), (55: 9), (57:25), (5: 42), (49: 9), (60: 8).

Ethics of Disagreement

Ikhtilaf/ khilaf = difference/ disagreement.

Difference is a universal phenomenon : “If your Lord had willed, He would have made all mankind one single nation, but He willed it otherwise, and so they continue to differ ”. [Qur’ān. 11:118]

Journey to fight the tribe of Qurayzah :The Prophet gave an order to Muslims not to pray 'Asr except at the tribe of Qurayzah. As the time for 'Asr prayer arrived, some held the opinion that they should not perform the prayer before reaching their destination, others took the contrary opinion. The Prophet (SAW) endorsed both opinions.


Positive and extremely beneficial provided that:

  • Differences do not exceed their limits (subsidiary not fundamental matters).
  • They remain within the standard norms of ethics and proper behaviour.

Rejection of Impulsive Disagreements:

  • Prompted by egoistical desires to get personal, psychological satisfaction or to achieve certain personal objectives.

Causes of Injustice VS Requirement of Justice

Causes of injustice:
- Hatred: enemies + opponents.
- Love and favor: relatives + cronies.
- Self-interest and greed.
- Ignorance.
- Hasty decisions.


Amanah literally means trust, reliability, trustworthiness, loyalty, faithfulness, integrity, and honesty. Iman or faith also comes from the same root.

Accountability, honesty, determination (itqan) are all parts of Amanah.

The concept of Amanah makes human life more meaningful.

It defines man’s RIGHTS and RESPONSIBILITIES in relation to fellow human beings, the environment and the rest of God’s creation - "O you, who believe, do not betray God and His Messenger, and do not knowingly violate your trusts". ( 8:27)

Dishonesty and betrayal are completely at odds with the Islamic faith. The Prophet says, “A hypocrite is known by three traits: When he speaks, he lies; when he promises, he reneges; when he is entrusted, he cheats”. (Al-Bukhari, Muslim)

The seriousness of upholding Amanah - God says, ‘There are three people whom I shall be their opponent on the Day of Judgment: A man who was given something in My Name and then betrays; A man who sells-off a free man (as a slave) and consumes the price; and A man who hires a laborer, makes use of his service then does not give him his wages. (Al-Bukhari)