Meta Programs
Created By
Self Beliefs
Gives birth to how people see their reality
They are the entry into the person that points to the core of their self-beliefs
What they filter in and out
We try to see why they are running the meta program
What will happen if they don't run it?
Show us what their Enneagram type is
What their bundle of meta programs are
See their levels of integration and disintegration
Driver Meta-Programs
A meta program that isn't contextual, it crosses different contexts, it runs most of the time, it becomes a driver of their personality and they have little flexibility
There are about 5 meta program clusters that people usually have
Type 6
Future - based on past meta program
Future oriented, worst case scenario, mismatch, discounting, procedures, external authority, detailed
Don't trust themselves
I;m not good enough as I am. I need understanding, support to live
What's the purpose of running them?
What is the positive intent behind running them?
What are the pre-suppositions - what has to be true for the person to be running the meta programs
For the person to have that belief structure, what needs to be true?
Pre-supposition: Im not good enough
If that's true, what else is true?
Are like greenhouses, to help us grow up quickly but then we grow and it stifles us and becomes our prision
We use them to see the personality structure, their perceptual structure, their value and belief structures, their internal and external structures
We keep parenting ourselves with these
Almas: we are the highest expression of the universe to see itself.
The meta programs become like shadows on our living daylight
When we learn language, we learn thinking, and then we learn patterns
The first things we learn is that we are not good enough
Developmental coaching
we go through different stages of development
Whatever meaning structure we have was carved out by our ancestors
meta program structures, contain the belief structures, hold the self belief structures, that leads to your experience of joy and disaster in the face of reality
our thinking isn't ours
Read, meditate, journal, be coached, read, break free of the structures that hold you
See through to those structures, can you see this, can you see that
You can get your meta programs away
there is no place for judgement
there is a place for discernment
there is no place for over responsibility
So that sounds to me like judgement
Is that judgment?
What is your postiive intent for running judgement
Let me feed that back to you, so your pre-suposition is that ..
What is your belief structure
As coaches, we aren't interested in meta programs - we are interested in what they are pointing to
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I want you to journal, who , what , where, what is the positive intention, why are you running it
What would life be like if you weren't running that?
Types of Meta programs
Type 1: belieft structure = i am deeply flawed
If that is true, what is your narcissistic wounding?
All these meta programs and structures are there to hide the narcissistic wounding from the world
everything is an offer
if im going too fast, its up to you to slow me down
VAKAdOG (representational systems)
Global/Detail (Scope)
Movie Position (In-out-assoc,-dissc)
Authority (internal-external)
Info staging (foregrounding-backgrounding)
Attention sort (self-referent-other referent)
classification scale (black-shades-white)
aristotelian, non aristotelian (static-proces)
rejuvenation sort(introvert, ambivert, extrovert)
motivation direction sort (away - both - towards)
Where is the person's attention going? if they are running a meta program they need to be aware of both sides of the meta program, they can't run one without the other. why are you running that particular meta program?
somatic response (active-reflective=inactive)
responsibility (under-healthy-over)
time zone sort (past, present, future)
interactive sort(competitive-cooperative)
organisational style (options-procedures
goal striving (skeptic-perfection)
adaptation (judging-perceiving)
durability (permable - impermeable)
self esteem (cond, uncond,)
persistence (impatience-patience)
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