Y9 Data Representation and Interpretation
Aus Curriculum
Identify everyday questions and issues involving at least one numerical and at least one categorical variable, and collect data directly and from secondary sources (ACMSP228)
- comparing the annual rainfall in various parts of Australia, Pakistan, New Guinea and Malaysia
Construct back-to-back stem-and-leaf plots and histograms and describe data, using terms including ‘skewed’, ‘symmetric’ and ‘bi modal’ (ACMSP282)
using stem-and-leaf plots to compare two like sets of data such as the heights of girls and the heights of boys in a class
describing the shape of the distribution of data using terms such as ‘positive skew’, ‘negative skew’ and 'symmetric' and 'bi-modal'
Compare data displays using mean, median and range to describe and interpret numerical data sets in terms of location (centre) and spread (ACMSP283)
- comparing means, medians and ranges of two sets of numerical data which have been displayed using histograms, dot plots, or stem and leaf plots
Back-to-back stem and leaf plots
Maths Quest
Summarising data: measures of centre
Stem and leaf plots
Grouped data (percentage frequencies and histograms)
Measures of spread (outliers, quartiles, IQR)
Box plots
Sampling, types of data
Collecting data (dot plots, stem plots, frequency tables)
Collecting data (different displays, histograms, frequency polygons, back-to-back stem and leaf plots)
measures of central tendency (mean and median formulas, grouped data, displays)
measures of spread (incl quartiles, standard deviation, shapes of distributions)
Review measures of centre and spread
Measures of centre for grouped data
Compare data sets using measures of centre and spread
Shape of distributions (skewness, modality)
Compare histograms
Compare dot plots
Data sources (categorical, numerical)
Primary and secondary data in research
review sampling
comparing histograms
EP Outline
- Review
Frequency Tables
Measures of centre and spread (incl. displays)
- Data Sources
Primary and secondary data
Types of data (numerical, categorical, etc)
- Shape and Spread in Data
Modal, bi-modal
Skewness, symmetry
- Comparing Data
Back-to-back stem and leaf plots
Compare histograms
Compare data sets
Compare dot plots
Box and Whisker Plots
Measures of centre for grouped data