Random ideas related to my business
Services i can offer
Things i need to learn
Research more about website strategy, user flow through websites, sales funnels
Offer simple websites to small, local business while i'm learning. Use a simple template to get the site up
Make a plan for all the things i would offer in this - domain reg, hosting, web design, web dev, basic copy editing and proof reading, basic photo editing, training in how to update the site, one month maintenance package, install plugins for SEO, backups, GA
Would need to find a cheap option for logo design if they don't have their own branding
Learn Google Analytics and SEO and use that to inform how sites are built
Basic photoshop
Basic branding
Google analytics
Code WP theme from scratch with good coding practice.
SSL certificates
click to edit
Things that make me feel overwhelmed
Everything I need to learn
Feel like i'm in competition with much more experienced people
Why would people pay when they can do it themselves for free?
My selling points
Friendly and good communicator
Good at teaching
Do my best for the customer
Managing overwhelm
Break things down into small steps
Have a plan with realistic goals (SMART?)
Stop trying to plan for every eventuality in my head. I am able to problem solve. If a client wants something and i can't yet do it i can learn.
Avoid thinking i have to be the best at absolutely everything
Stop looking at what everyone else is doing and thinking i have to do that.
Focus in on what I want to do, what i'm good at, and how i can offer that. Things I don't want to do can be outsourced.
Would need to have a clear contract for what's included. This would include the various costs involved, including costs of themes, plugins, hosting maintenance etc.
Plan my time better
Stop wasting time looking at other people's sites. Need to focus the majority of time on my work.
Need to build my website - think about exactly what i'm going to offer and how i'm going to sell that.
Try and make it fun for me. My mindset turns everything into a chore. Sense of openness and curiosity rather than focussed on outcomes
Set up a proper process for managing the work
Set up a board in Asana for the whole process of building a website. Could use one of these mind maps first.
Once i have a process in place it will feel much clearer
Streamline everything into Asana - stop using Trello. Keep things simple and in one place.
Mental health
See friends
Self compassion
The thought of having to find clients
There are ways to find clients. I'm actually quite good at that kind of stuff. Am good at selling myself (ie interviews - this is no different). Need to identify what the client whats.
Marketing for Hippies??
Important - need to align work with my values to avoid burnout. Needs to come from the heart.
Investigate heart-based business
Minimum to learn before next project
Make sure all work backed up on Google Drive
Simple logo with a nice font
Use lots of space
Keep it simple
Stop telling myself i can't do it!
Realise that the biggest problem with overwhelm is mindset. Change that and i'm most of the way to dealing with everything.
Need to think about my niche
Consider if I am making my life difficult by insisting i need to code everything from scratch.
Focus on a more general approach at first - build the sites using premade themes, theme builders etc. Then, when i know more about coding, i can build them from scratch. Doing this I can learn about so many things - SEO, GA, design, client relations etc, rather than waiting until my code is perfect before starting.
Feel i can't start until my coding is perfect.
Look at list of other devs/designers sites for ideas about services i can offer