What factors changed black American civil rights between 1945 and 1963?
Presidents (positive change)
Changing laws
Changing attitudes
Challenging segregation
Truman used an executive order to desegregate the armed forces (1948)
Important as it was the first examples of mass desegregation from a president
Truman desegregated Washington DC
Important because it showed Truman committed to some change
Eisenhower used federal troops to enforce Little Rock desegregation
Important as it was the first time a president used his power over a state to secure civil rights
Eisenhower appointed liberal judges to the Supreme Court
Important as they began to support desegregation in the courts (laws began to be challenged)
Kennedy promised a Civil Rights Bill after Birmingham
Important as the bill promised to make segregation illegal
Kennedy (eventually) promised to enforce interstate desegregation laws during Freedom Rides
Important as it meant an aspect of segregation was finally defeated
Truman's To Secure These Rights report recommended an anti-lynching bill
Important as it as an attempt to stop racial violence
Eisenhower passed two civil rights acts (1957 & 1960)
Important as they were the first civil rights acts since 1875
Truman's To Secure These Rights report highlighted a range of issues surrounding treatment of blacks
Important as the report recommended dramatic changes for its time (voting rights, no poll tax)
Truman tried to end discrimination in government employment
Important as it showed a shift in opinion from a president towards black rights
Kennedy promised a civil rights bill in 1963
First time a president publicly committed to securing significant black civil rights
Eisenhower continued Truman's work to desegregate army
Important as it showed a new president wanted carry on the struggle
Eisenhower overruled Governor Faubus in Little Rock
Important as it showed a president who was willing to use federal power if states ignored the law
Presidents (limitations)
Challenging segregation
Changing laws
Changing attitudes
Eisenhower's civil rights acts were diluted by Congress
Only increased black voting numbers by a tiny amount
All presidents relied on Southern support so had to tread carefully
Important as they were unwilling to promote major change
Kennedy only promised a civil rights bill after Birmingham turned violent
The media prompted him to act
Truman's To Secure These Rights report failed to make an impact (Congress got in the way)
Eisenhower stayed silent over Emmett Till's death
Eisenhower never publicly supported Brown decision
Important as it could have persuaded more states to comply
Eisenhower and Kennedy slow to act during desegregation battles
Eisenhower with Little Rock
Kennedy with Freedom Rides and Birmingham
Eisenhower never spoke in support of Montgomery bus boycotters
Truman's desegregation of the armed forces delayed for over two years
Important as he could have made a stand against violence
Eisenhower and Kennedy sat on the fence and failed to act quickly
Important as it made states feel they could ignore new desegregation and voting laws
Little Rock, Brown, civil rights acts
Eisenhower and Kennedy didn't publicly support civil rights protestors
Kennedy with Freedom Rides
Eisenhower with Montgomery and Greensboro sit ins