Small group Case Study Project Connections
Kathryne Hurley
Suzy Ussery
Carleigh Twillmann
Katie Bryant
Link to my Raw Data File
Link to my video
link to my raw data file
Link to my video
Topic: "Do we live in a post-racial society?"
Why was it chosen? I work at an all girls school, and wanted to look deeper into whether or not having a single gender environment really did have an impact.
Topic: Single Gender vs. Co-Ed Education
Topic: Private Schools vs. public schools
Why did I choose this topic? I wanted to see what the main differences were between these two types of schools and I wanted to see if there were any noticeable benefits of either types of schools.
Overall arching themes between the Case Studies:
Sub-themes between the Case Studies:
The culture and experiences of ones family members (and/or community) plays a role in the life style of an individual or group. Each of the topic related to a person/group and how certain aspects of their culture and environment effect they way they view and life their lives every day.
Language and literacy is key. In every video, each case study mentioned how different forms of both language and literacy helped connect the pieces of their data together, as well as assisting in the ability ti understand the different topics of cultures in each case study on a deeper level. Without any language and literacy the ability to communicate with those who are the same, and different from oneself would be nearly impossible.
Diversity is also something that was mentioned in each of the videos in some way or another. Diversity is something that helps people recognize and respect the differences in each other. It helps shape people into their individual cultures. It is a part of their customs and characteristics that make them fit into the group they recognize with, whether in a school setting, racial setting or through traditions.
Private and public schools sometimes lack in diversity. Private schools are especially lacking diversity in the classroom, which means that the lack of diversity does not promote a post-racial society.
The study of the Gullah/Geechee culture and the "Do we live in a Post-Racial society?" case study both shared aspects of both gender and geography. Gullah/Geechee is specific to the Low Country and Katie Byrant studied two african american's women's experiences in Charleston (low country). Both groups being studied are of African American descent.
The single gender case study and private school case study had a lot of commonalities. They both discussed the benefits of going to a private school (like Ashley Hall) versus going to school with co-ed classrooms.
Topic: Gullah/Geechee Culture
Why did I chose this topic? I am a Caucasian from New Jersey who grew up in a very affluent and homogenous town (basking Ridge bubble) All the kids who I grew up with are white. Coming down South there are lots of minority groups, Gullah people always seemed to interest me. They are polar opposite of what I grew up around since most are African American and have lived in the south their whole lives. They grew up in a very different environment than I have.
Here is a lingering question to build on for a case study related to this topic..... How could experiences in attending an all girls school be similar or different from attending an all boys school?
The majority of public and private schools in the south don't promote or teach the Gullah/Geechee culture. Some schools in the south may do one special lesson or activity that focuses on this culture, but most schools don't integrate the culture into the curriculum.
Education and its power was mentioned in 3 of the videos. What is learned through the power of education can carry on well past the end of schooling, to many generations, within the cultures, that follow.
Lingering questions: Are students who have graduated from a private school more successful than students who have graduated from public schools? Do all of the extra experiences that come with a private school actually benefit a student in the long run?
Story telling and conversations while collecting data help to form relationships and a better understanding of an individual and/or group and what makes them who they are. Humans are emotional creatures. Storytelling allows us to digest information more easily because it connects that information to emotions. Storytelling is effective at teaching in a way that people can easily remember, and can help people relate to one another. Storytelling is also a large aspect of langauge and literacy. In terms of culture, storytelling is ann integral part and the way stories are told matter
Lingering questions: Why is the Gullah culture disappearing? Why is sweetgrass basket making the one aspect of their culture they want to preserve?
Our culture affects not only how we learn and what we learn but it also affects from whom we learn from. Perhaps culture affects both learning performance, engagement and learning styles. Different cultures have different expectations and culture is not only race, ethnicity, or religion but culture can be defined as the customs, arts, social institutions, and achievements of a particular nation, people, or social group. The influence of culture on beliefs about education, the value of education, and participation styles seems more apparent.
Common Themes between the Case Studies:
I saw connections between the Private vs. Public School Case Study and the Single Gender vs. Co-Ed Case Study, because they both focused on how a specific environment impacts student learning.
The "Do We Live in a Post-Racial Society" Case Study and the "Gullah/Geechee Culture Case Study had a common theme of people that are from African-American descent and are from Charleston, South Carolina. In both of these videos these people talked about their experiences or their traditions that they hope to pass down.
Link to my raw data:
All four of the Case Studies mentioned how education/traditions impact and are important to each generation.