Lighting in Our Horror Movie
For our Horror Movie we want to incorporate shadow. The reason for this is that it is more suspenseful and can be manipulated, shadows can be made to look bigger or smaller based on perspective to the lighting. It will be mostly used in low key areas but, during the flashback scenes, can be used to darken a part of a character's face in order to connote a 'darker' side of their personality.
For our Horror Movie, the majority of lighting will be dark, but during the flashback's we will want to take a higher key approach. This could be natural from the sunlight or artificial from a studio light. However, the approach that we would personally like to take would be the one shown below. If that does not work then a natural lighting approach would be preferred over artificial.
This is a shot from the movie Amelie, which used a golden tint during some shots to show warmth. I think that using this during our flashbacks will show an extremely obvious contrast between the present scenes. However, it may be difficult to put this into practice as it will have to be added during the editing stage and may not look that good. So, at this present moment it is just an idea.
In Horror Films, Low Key Lighting is what is used the most, because it allows scenes to be dark and as a result 'scary'. So, in our film we would use a lot of this type of lighting however in order to set our film apart we will use a multitude of different types as shown in the rest of this mind map. During the present day scenes the lighting will be low key because it is nighttime. This is easily achievable as we are filming outside in the woodland during winter.
For some of the scenes, both during flashback and present we want to use a form of lighting that comes from a fire and/or from torches or phone torches. This is so that there is a little more lighting during the scenes filmed at night.