After careful consideration, I believe that a Kentucky State Senator is a career I might persue
Requirements to Run the St
Key Information that Caught My Eye
Working outside the Office
The Term of Being a Senator
Every two years elections are held for 19 members.
There are no term limits
Since 1999, the GOP had owned the state Senate, currently having 27 members of the possible 38.
There are 38 members of the Senate
Terms are four years long.
Length of the Career
Age does not matter as Strom Thurmond was 100 and died in office as a US senator.
10.2 years is the average length a senator is in office for.
The Only thing that can restrict a Senator from being in office is the vote of the public, but if a senator falls into bad health, he or she may resign.
Median age of death of a senator is 81 years old
Have to Keep Your Head in the Game
They often stay from 9 am to 12 midnight when congress is in session in the closing two weeks.
Senator and other politicians often must have thick skin due to all the backlash and attacks from the district they are representing and their opponent who may run harmful attack adds.
They must have stamina physically and mentally. If not, their work will suffer.
Must be easy to work with and willing to negotiate. Being ignorant does not ever get you too far.
Pay for Playing Lawmaker
$536,479 is the average amount of money a senator makes during his or her tenure in congress
Senators make: $188.22/day a day
$2,472,012 for lifetime salary if works from 30-66
Hours Clocked
Work day while in session: 9 Am to 12 midnight during the final two weeks
Work day when not in session: 9 am to 1:45 pm
Commutting Usually takes about 50 minutes
The Jobs of a Senator
Inform the public, through speeches, interviews, public addresses, to educate their citizens on political issues going on in their community and how he or she is fighting for them.
Attend Committees where they listen to organizations and lobbyists talk about possible bills that will be voted on when congress is in session.
Work regular legislative sessions, which start on the first Tuesday after the first Monday in January.
They last no more than 30 legislative days in odd numbered years. Conclude by March 30
They last no more than 60 legislative days in even numbered years. Conclude by April 15.
Representing their districts, through listening to the citizens of their district and fight for the best legislation possible for them.
After the speeches from the possible bill proposers, the congressmen debate and ask questions about the possible bill
Introduce Legislature: Senators with their staff, research topics, identify issues and think of possible laws that would better their community and district. A Senator should be active and vocal in order to get as much exposure and support from other Congressman and citizens for a bill as possible. They work constantly with other Senate members and organizations to help draw others into supporting their bill
Each Congressman has a subject or field she or he focuses on, such as healthcare, business, or education.
-Sen. Adams was in healthcare.
A finalized bill will pass through several committees on its way to the Senate floor for a full vote.
A finalized bill will pass through several committees on its way to the Senate floor for a full vote.
Senators are constantly on the go and meeting with other senators and politicians to help reach their goals of getting their district or Bill represented.
Go to a committee about once a month, sometimes more to talk about possible future bills to help gain support.
Meet with everyday Kentucky citizens to see their perspectives on certain bills and laws, and how she can help them.
Every four years a Senator must campaign for reelection
The average cost of a U.S. Senate race last year is approximately $4.5 million.
Face Many campaign Problems
Lower the costs of elections by requiring free election airtime as a stipulation of TV stations receiving an FCC license to broadcast
Prepare Kentucky for the challenges of the global economy.
Make government more efficient
Other Factors
Age and Length
You must be At least 30 years of age at the time of the election
My Personal Experience
It is not required for a Kentucky or United States Senator to have a college degree
$14,746 is the average cost for a student in the state of Kentucky a year to persue degree in political science
Just less than 500 people a year graduate Kentucky schools with a degree in political science.
All but 1 senator in the United States Senate has a college degree
Top Five Schools in America for Political Science:
Best college in Kentucky for Political Science is University of Kentucky, but University of Louisville is a close second.
Can Serve for how long as you please, as long as you win your election.
Terms are four years long
A citizen of Kentucky.
Resided in the state 6 years preceding the election.
Resided in the district you wish to represent for the last year
Always having meetings that will prep them for when congress is in session.
Every two years elections are held for 19 members.
Elections are every four years, and only people in the district a Senator is running in can vote for her or him.
The last three GOP primaries averaged 18.5% participation. Meaning many of the people you campaign towards will probably not vote.
What I Saw
My Time
Being in Frankfort had had a great influence on my mind as my desire to become not just a state Senator, but an United States Senator has grown.
The meetings and committees that I was involved in with Senator Adams all caught my attention.
Nothing I saw or I was involved with edged me to not go after a career in politics.
I saw a committee that involved the Kentucky League of Cities and their wanting to get improved funding for roads in small towns.
Every Senator has a personal Secretary that kept them organized
During my tenure in the Capital I saw lobbyists and a Congressman dressed in suits which made my mind thirst for this future
All the sights and sounds awed me as I tried to breathe it all in.
The only part that I did not like was the constant reading Senator Adams had to do.
This job shadow will be something that I carry with me throughout my life.