PARKOUR par·kour
the activity or sport of moving rapidly through an area, typically in an urban environment, negotiating obstacles by running, jumping, and climbing

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Famous Videos

Dangers and Risks of Parkour


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Who Invented Parkour


Why do people do parkour

Some risks and risks of doing Parkour is damage to your muscles and joints. You can avoid this by warming up your muscles and stretching (but not over stretching.)

What are some moves of parkour

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Parkour was developed in France, primarily by Raymond Belle, and further by his son David Belle and his group of friends, the self-styled Yamakasi, during the late 1980s. The discipline was popularised in the late 1990s and 2000s through films, documentaries, and advertisements featuring the Yamakasi.

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Another thing that is a risk to your "parkouring" is the surrounding area and the ground. Sometimes when you miscalcuate your landing, or land incorrectly, there can be dangerious and unsafe materials that you might land on

What training is required to be able to do parkour

What purpose does parkour serve?

Parkour is a training discipline using movement that developed from military obstacle course training.Practitioners aim to get from one point to another in a complex environment

Jumping Over

Famous Parkourists:


Parkour Competitions

Tim Shieff

WFPF Competitions, American Ninja Warriors

Cat Leap

Ryan Doyle

Common Injuries

Since in Parkour you do flips and tricks, a common injury is damaging the ligaments and muscles in their ankles for landing incorrectly.

have fun

Why do students practice parkour

Swinging Through

Why Do People "Parkour" ?

Oleg Vorslav


Why are we studying parkour


its like super fun

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ohhh dang that thing fun!!!

There are many different kinds of Parkour. There is Parkour on bikes, skate boards


Parkour rules

there is no actual rule, it is just free style and express yourself.

It's strength training

why do dawgs parkour?

Can you do parkour for a living

But, according to Ryan Ford, a 19 year old practicing Parkour, "I like to think that Parkour há actually saved me from more serious injuries. I know how to fall"

. Jumping Up/Down

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