Percy Jackson and the lightning theif



Annekin is bord

Percy Jackson was at Nancy academy

and was on a field trip to a ancient greek museum

He was in trouble with Nancy Bobofit and he got in trouble with the maths teacher Ms. Dodds

With Mr.Brunner

He used the riptide that Mr Brunner borrowed him

Then he used the sword to vaporise his math teacher

Ash turned ten years old

and he chose a Pokemon that professor oak

He has a rival named Gary

Since he woke up late so he had to pick a special pokemon

There was only a pikachu left

So he went on his journey with pikachu

He faced many gyms and battled the Elite 4 and beat them and became the champion of the johto league

Sold to work

jedi ship gets shot and lands on tatuin

some good guy was on the ship

finds oil to make his ship fly again

annakin skywalker was found and was the chosen guy

Went to jedi temple

he fought and lost one of his hands

got replaced by a cyborg hand

married padmay

turned to the dark side

The Heroes's Journey

The ordinary world

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